The association of biomedical engineering TKMIT -BLAZE team conducted a seminar on 17th April 2023 from 10:00am to 11:30am .The seminar was handled by Dr.Alex James , Dean(Academics) of Digital University Kerala based on the topic _Artificial intelligence in biomedical engineering._ The welcome speech was given by Ms.Rushda Shaju and Ms.Arya Murukeshan(BLAZE Execom) and the presidential address was given by Dr.Jyothiraj (HOD of biomedical dept).The session was very informative and his insights on the topic was helpfull. A Q & A session was held at the end and the queries of the students were cleared by the speaker .Finally the vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs.Neethu Sathyan (Assistant professor) and along with it a momento was presented to Dr. Alex James as a token of our appreciation .The seminar was successfully completed under the mentorship of Mrs. Neethu V Sathyan and coordination of Mr. Sijin S Daniel (Vice president) , Mr. Adith S Kumar (Secretary) and the wholehearted efforts by the BLAZE Execom members.