TKMIT Institute of Technology

Research Scholars


Sl. No. Name of Faculty Department Research Centre
1 Mr.Vysakh Raveendra Kurup Mechanical Engineering Amrita School of Engineering
2 Ms. Sreedevi. V Civil Engineering, APJ AbdulKalam University
3 Mr. Rupesh Ravi. M. R Computer Science APJ AbdulKalam University
4 Ms. Miji Philip Mathematics APJ AbdulKalam University
5 Ms. Jomy George Computer Science National Institute of Technology
6 Ms.Leena Y Computer Science National Institute of Technology
7 Ms.Sajina K. Physics TKM College of Engineering
8 Ms.Reshmi L. B. Mathematics Kerala University
9 Mr.Vimal  Sankar Computer Science and Engineering APJ AbdulKalam University
10 Ms.Neetha Alex Computer Science and Engineering SRM Institute of Science and Technology
11 Ms.Harsha R Biomedical Engineering Amrita School of Engineering
12 Ms.Keerthi Krishna Biomedical Engineering Karunya Institute of Technology
13 Mr.Jaison Jacob Mathunny Biomedical Engineering SRM Institute of Science and Technology
14 Ms.Sharon Gomez Biomedical Engineering Karunya Institute of Technology
15 Ms. Sreekutty.S.D Biomedical Engineering Karunya Institute of Technology