TKMIT Institute of Technology
Dr. R. Sindhu Professor Food Technology House No: K.C. 39/530, ARA-35, Mundakkal East , Kollam -1 Pin -691 001

Educational Qualification & Specialization

  • PhD (Biotechnology) – School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • M.Phil (Microbiology) – School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • M.Sc (Biotechnology) – Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India

Professional Experience

  • Professor- TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam, Kerala, India (27th February 2023- Continuing)
  • Associate Professor – TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam, Kerala, India (November 2021- 26th February 2023)
  • Scientist Fellow – CSIR – National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST), Trivandrum, Kerala, India – December 2008 to October 2021
  • Post Doctoral Fellow- Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India – October 2006 – November 2008

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Convenor, Kerala State Planning Board, SRG Projects –Specialization – Bakery, Beverages and Confectionary
  • Editorial Board Member - Bioresource Technology Reports (Elsevier)
  • National Advisory Committee Member for International Conference in “Challenges in Chemical and Biochemical engineering for Sustainable Development (CBSD)” – Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Member, Board of Studies, Department of Biology – St. Josephs College, Irinjalakuda, Kerala, India
  • Chairperson- Institutional Ethics Committee – Santhigiri Scientific Industrial Research Institute (IEC-SSIRI)
  • Chairperson, Lab Exam, Kerala Technical University for Food Technology of Seventh Semester B. Tech Supplementary (R&S) (2018) Degree Examination February 2023
  • Advisory Board Member – Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (CEES, India)
  • Editorial Board Member – BioEnergy Research
  • Editorial Board Member – Journal of Innovation and Applied Research
  • Editorial Board Member – Annals of Agricultural and Crop Sciences
  • Editorial Board Member – EC Microbiology
  • Editorial Board Member – Journal of Environmental Sciences and Renewable Resources
  • Review Editor – Frontiers in Food Biotechnology
  • Review Editor – Frontiers in Micro-biotechnology
  • Reviewer of 105 SCI Journals in the field of Bioprocesses and products
  • Expert Reviewer for Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) Scheme Proposals – by Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Biotechnology Industrial Research and Assistance Council (BIRAC)
  • Guest Editor – Frontiers in Food Science and Technology Special Issue – Recent Advances and Applications of Biotechnology in Food and Beverage Processing
  • Chairperson, Kerala Technical University for Food Technology of Third Semester B. Tech Supplementary (R&S) (2019 Scheme) Degree Examination December 2021
  • RC Convenor, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam
  • Library Council Member, TKM Institute of Technology
  • Co-ordinator of S3 and S7 Examination of KTU
  • Advisory Board Member – ACTA Scientific Biotechnology.

Membership in Professional Bodies

  • Life member, Association of Microbiologists of India (2406 – 2009)
  • Life member, Society for Biotechnologists (India) (L 428)
  • Life Member, Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI) (LM 663)
  • Life Member, Chromatographic Society of India (CSI)
  • Life Member, International Forum of Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop) (LM 090)
  • Fellow, Society for Applied Biotechnology (FSAB)

Courses and Training Attended

  • Attended BRSI Sponsored Workshop cum Training Course on “Techno-economic and Life-cycle Assessment as tools for Sustainability Analysis” at CSIR-Indian Institute for Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), Lucknow, India during August 6-10, 2018.
  • Attended DBT Sponsored Short Term Training Course (STTC) Entitled “Recent Trends in Thin Film Development and Their Applications in Biomedical and Biosensor Devices” at Satyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India during March 12-28, 2018.
  • Attended International Training and Research Program for Sustainable Development on Biofuel and Environmental Technologies held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan during October 7-13, 2012.

Research Interest & Ongoing PhDs

  • Bioconversion of waste to value added products
  • Applications of Biopolymers in diverse fields
  • Food enzymes

Consultancy & Sponsored Projects

  • Biopolymers (September 2017 – September 2021):- Principal Investigator on a DST WOS-B project entitled “Development of a sustainable process for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate using food and kitchen waste”. This has dual societal benefit (i) waste management and (ii) bioconversion of waste into an eco-friendly biopolymer – waste to wealth strategy (Rs 30 Lakhs).
  • Biofuels and other value added products (October 2013 – August 2017): – Principal Investigator on a DBT Bio-CARe project entitled “Waste to wealth – development of a green process for the production of second generation biofuels from crop wastes”. Chili post-harvest residue was used as a feed stock for the production of biofuels and other value-added products like biopolymers, organic acids and enzymes. Developed novel alternative strategies of pretreatment which proved to be effective for better lignin and hemicelluloses removal, with minimal inhibitor generation (Rs 45 Lakhs).
  • Biofuels / Biopolymers (December 2008 – September 2013): – Worked as Project Scientist, Center for Biofuels, at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram. Worked on conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biofuels and other value added products. Worked on production of biopolymer, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate from Bacillus species using biodiesel industry generated crude glycerol as sole carbon source. Media engineering, characterization of biopolymer, preparation of blends and application studies were carried out.
  • Metagenomics: – Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Rajiv Gandhi centre for Biotechnology, Dept of Molecular Microbiology (October 2006- November 2008):-Constructions of a soil metagenomic library for novel cellulases were carried out. Soil metagenomic library were also screened for pectinase, amylase, protease, asparaginase, xylanase and lipase activities (Rs 20 Lakhs).
  • Bioprocess Technology: – Research Scholar at School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam-Worked on the topic entitled “Production, purification and applications of alpha amylases from Penicillium janthinellum”. Alpha amylase producing Penicillium janthinellum was isolated from soil samples. Media engineering was carried out to optimize various process parameters affecting production.  Purification, characterization and applications of alpha amylase were evaluated for detergent formulations.


  • Visiting Professor – Fellowship from Ministry of Brazil – Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil – 31st March, 2023 – 30th April, 2023.
  • Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation – American Chemical Society (ACS Publications)
  • International Award from Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier) for Most Downloaded Article – March 2022
  • National award from Biotech Research Society India (BRSI) – Prof. S. B. Chincholkar Award for the year 2020 for outstanding contributions in the area of Bioenergy.
  • Listed among top 2% scientists in the world for the year 2021,2020 and 2019 (World ranking in the area of Biotechnology – 350 and Indian ranking – 27)
  • Ph D examiner – Applied Sciences – Durban University of Technology, South Africa – A E Amobonye – June 2021
  • Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing – Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences – October 2020
  • PhD examiner – Department of Microbiology, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu – Mr. G. Sivaprakash (4th September 2020)
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) – October 2020
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier) – July 2020
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Process Biochemistry (Elsevier) – June 2020
  • Visiting Professor – Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil (Unavailed due to COVID19 Pandemic)
  • Bioresource Technology Reports – Editors Choice Paper (Binod et al (2019) 5, 317 – 325)
  • IFIBioP Travel Grant for attending and presenting a paper – Eighth International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IBA-IFIBiop 2019), May 1-5, 2019, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Travel Grant for attending and presenting a paper – International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Treatment and Management (SWTM 2019), May 6-9, 2019, Yangling, China.
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Catalysis Today ((Elsevier) – April 2019
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Biochemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier) – April 2019
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Bioresource Technology Reports (Elsevier) – April 2019
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Heliyon (Elsevier) – February 2019
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Ultrasonics – Sonochemistry (Elsevier) – January 2019
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Green Energy and Environment (Elsevier) – October 2018
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Biomass and Bioenergy (Elsevier) – October 2018
  • Outstanding Reviewer Certificate – Fuel (Elsevier) – September 2018
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Biochemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier) – September 2018
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Bioresource Technology Reports (Elsevier) – July 2018
  • Outstanding Reviewer Certificate – Journal of Biotechnology (Elsevier) – April 2018
  • Outstanding Reviewer Certificate – Process Biochemistry (Elsevier) – April 2018
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – American Chemical Society Publications (ACS) – 2018
  • The BIORESTEC 2018 Best Poster Award (September 2018)
  • The BIORESTEC 2018 Impactful Research Award from Bioresource Technology – Elsevier (September 2018)
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Process Biochemistry (Elsevier) – February 2018
  • Best Oral Presentation Award – In International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC 2018), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 31 December 2017 – 3 January 2018.
  • Bioresource Technology Top Reviewer Certificate 2017
  • Bioresource Technology Most Valued Reviewer 2017 (
  • National award from Biotech Research Society India (BRSI) – Women Scientist Award for the year 2016
  • Visiting Fellowship-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, October- November 2017
  • Sanctioned a project under Women Scientist Scheme – B (WOS-B) from Department of Science and Technology on “ Development of a sustainable process for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate using kitchen and food waste” (Rs 30 lakhs) September 2017 – September 2020 (Order No: SR/WOS-B/740/2016 (G) Dated 12/09/2017)
  • Outstanding Reviewer Certificate – Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) – October 2017
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) – October 2017
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Journal of Biotechnology (Elsevier) – July 2017
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley) – May 2017
  • Outstanding Reviewer Certificate – Applied Energy (Elsevier) – April 2017
  • IFIBioP Travel Grant for attending and presenting a paper – Seventh International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop 2017), May 21-24, Wuxi, China.
  • Outstanding Reviewer Certificate – Bioresource Technology (Elsevier) – November 2016
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research (Elsevier) – November 2016
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Industrial Crops and Products (Elsevier) – June 2016, August 2016
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier) – May 2016
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Renewable Energy (Elsevier) – January 2016
  • Visiting Fellowship – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, November – December 2016
  • Marie Curie Fellow – University of Naples, Italy – July 2016
  • Marie Curie Fellow – University of Jaen, Spain – June 2016
  • Certificate of Appreciation from EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2016.
  • Elsevier Best Poster Presentation Award, International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology- NHBT 2015, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – American Chemical Society Publications (ACS)- 2015
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Bioresource Technology (Elsevier) – December 2015
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) – July 2015
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (Elsevier) – May 2015
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Journal of the Energy Institute (Elsevier) – March 2015
  • Best Paper Award , Renewable Energy (Elsevier) – 2014
  • Best Reviewer Award, Industrial Crops and Products (Elsevier), May 2014.
  • Key Note lecture at ESBES-IFIBiop 2014, Lille, France.
  • Visiting Fellowship – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, September – November 2014
  • Recognized Reviewer Certificate – Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier) – December 2013
  • Sanctioned a project under BioCARe scheme of DBT on “Waste to Wealth: Development of green process for the production of second generation biofuel from crop wastes” (Rs. 45 lakhs) October 2013 – July 2017 (NO:BT/Bio-CARe/06/890/2011-2012 dated 24/10/2013)
  • DST Travel Grant 2012 (Not Availed) Since airfare was provided by the organizers of International training and research programme 2012 – Sustainable Development on Biofuel and Environmental Technologies for attending the training programme as well as for the 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIB 2012)
  • CSIR Travel Grant 2012 (Not Availed) Since airfare was provided by the organizers of International training and research programme 2012 – Sustainable Development on Biofuel and Environmental Technologies for attending the training programme as well as for the 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIB 2012)
  • IFIBioP Travel Grant for attending and presenting a paper – Fifth International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIB 2012), October 7-11, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Best Poster Award – International conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, Varanasi, December 2009
  • Kerala Biotechnology Commission Post Doctoral Fellowship (2006 – 2008)
  • Mahatma Gandhi University Research Fellowship for Ph. D (1998 – 2002)
  • Mahatma Gandhi University Merit Scholarship for M. Phil. Microbiology course (1996 -1997)
  • Cochin University of Science & Technology Merit Scholarship for M. Sc. Biotechnology course (1992 – 1994)
  • University of Kerala Merit Scholarship for B. Sc. Botany course (1989 – 1992)
  • First Rank for M. Phil. Microbiology course
  • Third Rank for B.Sc. Botany course
  • USS Scholarship
  • LSS Scholarship


Book Chapters
  • Yuwen Zhou, Hong Liu, Hong Chen, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Introduction: Trends in composting and vermicomposting technologies. In “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Advances in Composting and Vermicomposting Technology”. Editors – Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Zengquiang Zhang and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier, pp1-27 (2022) ISBN: 978-0-323-91874.
  • Reshmy R, Vaisakh P.H, Eapen Philip, Parameswaran Binod, Aravind Madhavan,Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Applications ofbio-based composites in optical devices. In “Handbook of Bioplastics andBiocomposites Engineering Applications. Editors - Inamuddin, Scrivener Publishing(Accepted)
  • Rekha Unni, Reshmy R, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Methods for production of biological hydrogen from industrial waste. In “Organic waste to biohydrogen”. Editors – Mohammed Kuddus, Ghazala Yunus, Paramod W Ramteke and Gustavo Molina, Springer Nature ( pp 473-490 (2023) ISBN-978-1-119-16013-7.)
  • Reshmy R, Vaisakh P H, Eapen Philip, Parameswaran Binod, Aravind Madhavan, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Applications of bio-based composites in optical device. In “Handbook of Bioplastics and BiocompositeEngineering Applications. Editors Inamuddin, Scrivener Publishing (Accepted).
  • Arun K. B, Shibitha Emmanual, Priya Krishna, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Biosurfactants for pharmacological interventions in cancer therapy. In “Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science – Biomedical Applications of Biosurfactants”. Editors – Inamuddin, Elsevier ISBN 978-0-323-85146-6 (In Press).
  • Prasanth Rathinam, Sherly Antony, Reshmy R, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Biosurfactant as an intervention for medical device associated infections. In “Green Sustainable Process for Environmental Engineering and Science- Biomedical Applications of Biosurfactants”. Editors – Inamuddin, Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-323-85146-6 (In Press).
  • Sherly Antony, Sukumaran T. U, Prasanth Rethinam, Reshmy R, Parmeswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Biosurfacatnts in respiratory viruses and COVID19 pandemic. In “Green Sustainable Process for Environmental Engineering and Science – Biomedical Applications of Biosurfactants”. Editors – Inamuddin, Elsevier ISBM 978-0-323-85146-6 (In Press).
  • Arun K. B, Aravind Madhavan, Shibitha Emmanual, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Enzymes in probiotics and genetically modified foods. In “Value-Addition in Food Products and Processing Through Enzyme Technology”. Editors- Mohammed Kuddus, Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-32-389929-1 (Accepted).
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Chieh Chen Huang, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Enzymes in seafood processing. In “Value-Addition in Food Products and Processing Through Enzyme Technology”. Editors- Mohammed Kuddus, Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-32-389929-1 (In Press).
  • Narisetty Vivek, Haseena KV, Shouni Niveditha Tenali, Mini Fernandez, Nidhi Adlakha, Leena Devendra, Atul Narang, M Ali Haider, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Sustainable technologies for platform and drop-in chemicals – production and applications. In “Advanced catalysis for drop-in chemicals”. Editors – Putla Sudarsanam and Hu Li, Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-12-823827-1 (2022).
  • Jalaja Vidya, K. R. Rekhamol, Reesamol G Vaz, Arsha G Madhu, Gincy Marina Mathew, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Industrial amylase production using agri-food wastes. In “Microbes in Agri-Food Wastes Valorization- Vol II”. Editors – Gustavo Molina, Minaxi Sharma, Zeba Usmani, Rachid Benhida, Vijai K Gupta, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) (Accepted).
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Irfa Anwar, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Microbes bioconversion of the agri-wastes to enhance soil fertility and crop productivity. In “Microbes in Agri-Food Wastes Valorization- Vol II”. Editors – Gustavo Molina, Minaxi Sharma, Zeba Usmani, Rachid Benhida, Vijai K Gupta, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) (Accepted).
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Production of antibiotics by filamentous fungi. Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering “Filamentous Fungi Biorefinery”. Editors – Mohammed Taherzadeh, Jorge Ferreira, Ashok Pandey, Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-32-391872-5 (Accepted )
  • Palanisamy Athiyaman Balakumaran, Divakar K, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Gut microbes’ role in the production of nutraceuticals. In “Bioprocess technologies for production of nutraceuticals and functional food products”. Editors – Amit Rai, Sudhir P Singh, Ashok Pandey, Cristian Larroche and Carlos Riccardo Soccol, Elsevier (Accepted).
  • Narisetty Vivek, G. Renuka, K. Amulya, Kamalpreet Kaur Brar, Sara Magdouli, Parameswaran Binod, Vinod Kumar, S. Venkata Mohan and Raveendran Sindhu. Biological production of organic acids by filamentous fungi. Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering “Filamentous Fungi Biorefinery”. Editors – Mohammed Taherzadeh, Jorge Ferreira, Ashok Pandey, Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-32-391872-5 (Accepted )
  • Maria Paul Alphy, Palanisamy Athiyaman Balakumaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Integrated bio-based process for the production of industrially important chemicals. In “Circular bioeconomy: Integrated approaches for sustainability”. Editors- Sunita Varjani (Accepted).
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Raveendran Sindhu, Chieh Chen Huang, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Microbial diversity in termite gut ecosystem and their role in lignocelluloses degradation. In “Microbial diversity and ecology in hotspots”, Elsevier. Editors- Aparna Gunjal pp 155-175 (2022) ISBN: 978-0-323-90148-2.
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Shellfish waste management and bioprospecting. In “Solid waste management”. Editors- Aparna Gunjal (Accepted)
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Vaisakh P. H, Rekha Unni, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Carbon nanomaterial based and metal nanocrystals in modern health care systems. In “Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterials for Theranostic Applications”. Editors – Shadpour Mallakpour and Chaudhary Mustansar Hussain (Accepted).
  • Deepa Thomas, Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, M. S. Latha, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Carbon nanomaterials based nanocrystals for dental applications. In “Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterials for Theranostic Applications”. Editors – Shadpour Mallakpor and Chaudhary Mustansar Hussain (Accepted).
  • Aravind Madhavan, Arun K.B, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar and Reshmy R. Biomedical applications of microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates. In “BBB-Biodegradable polymers and composites – process engineering to commercialization”. Editors – Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier pp 520-538 (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-821888-4.
  • Thana Saffar, Narisetty Vivek, Sara Magdouli, Nagothu Joseph Amruth, Maria Sindhura John, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Functional biopolymers: Synthesis, characterization and applications of chitosan and its blend composites. In “BBB-Biodegradable polymers and composites – process engineering to commercialization”. Editors – Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier pp 464-484 (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-821888-4.
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Vaisakh, P.H, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Aravind Madhavan, Ranjna Sirohi and Ayon Tarafdar. Biodegradable polymer composites. In “BBB-Biodegradable polymers and composites – process engineering to commercialization”. Editors – Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier pp 418-437 (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-821888-4.
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Shikhangi Singh, Ayon Tarafdar, Nalla Bhanu Prakash Reddy, Taru Negi, Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan and Arun K.B. Thermoplastic starches. In “BBB- Biodegradable polymers and composites – process engineering to commercialization”. Editors – Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier pp 56-74 (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-821888-4.
  • Shikhangi Singh, Taru Negi, Ayon Tarafdar, Ranjna Sirohi, Mohd. Ishfaq Bhat and Raveendran Sindhu. Microplastics in aquatics and terrestrial environment. In “BBB – Biodegradable polymers and composites – process engineering to commercialization”. Editors – Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier pp 36-54 (2021) ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-12-821888-4.
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Biopolymers – An introduction. In “BBB- Biodegradable polymers and composites – process engineering to commercialization”. Editors- Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier pp 28-35 (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-821888-4.
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Microbes for the synthesis of chitin from shrimp shell wastes. In “Applications of Microbes in Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology”. Editors – Inamuddin, Springer (In press).
  • Reshmy R, Deepa Thomas, Sherly A Paul, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Applications of nanoengineered materials for biofuel production. In “Nanomaterials applications in biofuels and bioenergy production systems”. Editors – Ramanujam Praveenkumar and B. Bharathiraja, Elsevier pp 333-354 (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-822401-4.
  • Sharrel Rebello, Vinod Kumar Nathan, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Nanoparticles in remediation: Strategies and new challenges. In “Nanomaterials applications in biofuels and bioenergy production systems”. Editors – Ramanujam Praveenkumar and B. Bharathiraja, Elsevier pp 745-762 (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-822401-4.
  • Anoopkumar AN, Sharrel Rebello, Emabalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Use of different enzymes in biorefinery systems. In “Biorefinery production technologies for chemicals and energy”. Editors – Arindam Kuila and Mainak Mukhopadhyay, Scrivener Publishing pp 357-368 (2020) ISBN – 978-1- 119- 59142-9.
  • Sherly Antony, Prasanth Rathinam, Reshmy R, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Consumer nanoproducts – a new perspective. In “Handbook of consumer nanoproducts”. Editors – Shadpour Mallakpour and Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Springer Nature (pp 59-75 (2022) ISBN-978-981-16-8699-3.).
  • Deepa Thomas, Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Consumer nanoproducts for biomedical applications. In “Handbook of consumer nanoproducts”. Editors – Shadpour Mallakpour and Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Springer Nature (pp 549-574 (2022),ISBN-978-981-16-8699-3.).
  • Prasanth Rathinam, Sherly Antony, Reshmy R, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Consumer nanoproducts for food. In “Handbook of consumer nanoproducts”. Editors – Shadpour Mallakpour and Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Springer Nature (pp 717-733 (2022), ISBN-978-981-16-8699-3.).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Palanisamy Athiyaman Balakumaran and Ashok Pandey. Potential utilization of fruit and vegetable wastes: an overview. In “Sustainable bioconversion of wastes to value added products”. Editors – Inamuddin and Anish Khan, Springer Nature, Switzerland AG pp 179 – 191 (2021) ISBN-978-3-030-61836-0.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Sugathan Shiburaj, Sabu A, Pedro Fernandes, Rekha Singhal,  Gincy Marina Mathew, Indu C Nair, Jayachandran K, Jalaja Vidya, Luciana Porto de Souza Vandenberghe, Irem Deniz, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran, Swaroop S Kumar, Anusree M,  Nupur Nagavekar, Manikandan Soumya,  Aswathy Jayakumar, Radhakrishnan EK, Susan Grace Karp,  Maria Giovana, Maria Giovana Binder Pagnoncelli,  Gilberto Vinicius de Melo Pereira, Carlos Riccardo Soccol, Salih Dogan and Ashok Pandey. Enzyme Technology in Food Processing: Recent developments and future prospects. In “Innovative Food processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Review volume 3”. Editors – Netsanet Shiferaw Terefe and Kasiviswanathan Muthukumrarappan, Elsevier pp 191-215 (2021) ISBN – 978-0-128-15781-7.
  • Reshmy R, Deepa Thomas, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Biofilms: Engineering approaches to enhance process efficiency. In “Bio-electrochemical systems: A sustainable platform for fuels and chemicals”. Editors – Prasun Kumar and Chandrasekhar Kuppam, Springer Nature, Singapore Pte Ltd. pp 43 – 59 (2021) ISBN – 978- 981-15-6868-8.
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Sara Bill Ulaeto, Reshmy R, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Chitosan derivatives: Properties and applications. In “Polysaccharides: Properties and Applications”. Editor – Inamuddin, Mohd Imaram Ahamed, Rajender Boddula and Tariq Altalhi. Wiley Scrivener pp 135 – 161 (2021) ISBN-978-1-119-71138-4.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Conventional and alternative strategies of pretreatment of chili post harvest residue for the production of different value added products. In “Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Future – Valorization of Agro-Industrial Residues- Vol II Non-biological Approaches”. Editor – Zainul Akmar Zakaria, Christobal M Aguilar, Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas and Parameswaran Binod. Springer Nature pp 191-201(2020) ISBN- 978-3-030-39207-9
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. An overview of environmental management of different types of biomaterials. In “Handbook on modern environmental materials management”. Editor – Chaudhery Mustansaar Hussain, Springer International Publishing, AG (In Press) ISBN-978-3-319-58538-3).
  • Sherly Antony, Reshmy R, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Possible strategies for hazardous waste management and legality. In “Handbook on modern environmental materials management”. Editor – Chaudhery Mustansaar Hussain, Springer International Publishing, AG (In Press) ISBN-978-3-319-58538-3.
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Jai Prakash Pandey, Ayon Tarafdar, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Applications of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate based composites. In “Advanced applications of polysaccharides and their composites”. Editors – Amir-Al Ahamed and Inamuddin, Material Research Foundations 68, 45 – 59 (2020) ISBN 978-1-64490-064-2.
  • Vismaya N Kumar, Sharrel Rebello, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Reshmy R, Eapen Philip and Ashok Pandey. Nanocellulose in paper making. In “Advanced applications of polysaccharides and their composites”. Editors – Amir-Al Ahamed and Inamuddin, Material Research Forum LLC pp 184 -197(2020) ISBN 978-1-64490-076-5.
  • Reshmy R, Sherely Annie Paul, Kiran Kumar M, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Green strategies for extraction of nanocellulose from agricultural wastes: current trends and future perspectives. In “Green chemistry for the sustainable development of chemical industry: extraction technology”. Editor – Inamuddin, Springer (Accepted).
  • A N Anoopkumar, Sharrel Rebello, Elsa Devassy, Kavya Raj K, Sreedev Puthur, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Phytoextraction of heavy metals. In “Methods for Bioremediation of Water and Wastewater Pollution, Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World Volume 51”, Editors – Inamuddin, Mohd Imran Ahamed, Eric Lichtfouse, Abdullah M Asiri, Springer, pp 267-276 (2020) ISBN –978-3-030-48984-7.
  • Sreedev Puthur, A N Anoopkumar, Sharrel Rebello, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey, An evaluation of toxic effect of pesticides on avifauna inhabiting wetlands. In “Pesticide residues, occurrence, analysis and remediation: biotic systems”. Editor – Inamuddin, Mohd Imran Ahamed and Eric Lichtfouse, Sustainable Agriculture Book Reviews Volume 47 (SABR) (Springer), pp 335 – 349 (2021) ISBN-978-3-030-54711-0.
  • Sharrel Rebello, Anoopkumar A.N, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Embalil Mathachan Aneesh. Comparative life cycle analysis of synthetic detergents and biosurfactants- an overview. In “Refining biomass residues for sustainable energy and products”. Editors: – Ramanujam Praveenkumar, Jegannathan Kenthorai Raman, Baskar Gurunathan, Elsevier pp 511 – 521 (2019) ISBN-978-0-12-818996-2.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Agro-residues based biorefinery. In “Refining biomass residues for sustainable energy and products”. Editors – Ramanujam Praveenkumar, Jegannathan Kenthorai Raman, Baskar Gurunathan, Elsevier pp 243 – 258 (2019) ISBN-978-0-12-818996-2.
  • Aravind Madhavan, Sharrel Rebello, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) based enzyme immobilization for biofuel applications. In “Nanobiotechnology for sustainable bioenergy and biofuel production”, Editors – Madan Verma, CRC pp 75 – 88 (2020) ISBN -978-0-367-08587-2.
  • Vismaya N Kumar, Sharrel Rebello, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh and Prabhakumari Chellamma. Enzyme production from food waste and their application. In “Global Initiatives for Waste Reduction and Cutting Food Loss”, Editors – Aparna B Gunjal, Meghmala Waghmode, Neha N Patil and Pankaj Bhatt, IGI Global, pp 1-19 (2019), ISBN-978-152-25-7706-5
  • Sunita Varjani, Ashok Pandey, Edgard Gnansounou, Samir Khanal and Raveendran Sindhu. Resource recovery from waste: An introduction. In “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Resource Recovery from Waste”, Editors – Ashok Pandey, Sunita Varjani, Edgard Gnansounou, Samir Khanal and Raveendran Sindhu, Elsevier pp 30-38 (2020). ISBN 978-0-444-64321-6
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ramkumar B Nair, Sunita Varjani, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Waste to wealth: valorization of food waste for the production of fuels and chemicals. In “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Resource Recovery from Waste”, Editors – Ashok Pandey, Sunita Varjani, Edgard Gnansounou, Samir Khanal and Raveendran Sindhu, Elsevier, pp 181-193 (2020) ISBN 978-0-444-64321-6
  • Parameswaran Binod, Emmanuel Papamichael, Sunita Varjani and Raveendran Sindhu. Introduction to enzymes used in food processing. In “Green Bio-process: Enzymes in Industrial Food Processing”, Editors – Binod Parameswaran, Sunita Varjani and Sindhu Raveendran, Springer Nature, pp 1-8 (2018). ISBN 978-981-13-3262-3
  • Sharrel Rebello, Divya Ullas, Anoopkumar A N, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Embalil Mathachan Aneesh. Industrial enzymes as feed supplements- advantages to nutrition and global environment. In “Green Bio-process: Enzymes in Industrial Food Processing”, Editors – Binod Parameswaran, Sunita Varjani and Sindhu Raveendran, Springer Nature, pp 293-304 (2018). ISBN 978-981-13-3262-3
  • Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey, Parameswaran Binod and Edgard Gnansounou. Biomedical applications of inorganic and organic nanomaterials. In “Diagnostics and therapeutic nanomaterials” (In Press)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Snehalata Ankaram, Yumin Duan, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Biofuels production from biomass: Towards sustainable Development. In “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Waste Treatment Processes for Energy Generation”, Editors – Sunil Kumar, Rakesh Kumar and Ashok Pandey. Elsevier, pp 79 – 92 (2019) ISBN: 978-0-444-64083-3
  • Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Haobam Rijeeba, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Sorbitol demineralization by ion exchange. In “Organic-Inorganic Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes”, Editors – Inamuddin. Springer UK, pp 155 – 161 (2019) ISBN 978-3-030-06081-7.
  • Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Rajkumai Devi Supriya, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ramkumar B Nair, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass- current trends and future perspectives. In “2nd and 3rd Generation of Feedstocks- The Evolution of Biofuels. Editors – Angelo Basile and Francesco Dalena, Elsevier pp 197-212 (2019) ISBN: 978-0-12-815162-4.
  • Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, K B Arun, Ashok Pandey, Parameswaran Binod and Edgard Gnansounou. Advancement in biofuel production by strain development in yeast from lignocellulosic biomass. In “Bioprocessing for Biomolecules Production”, Editor- Gustavo Molina, Vijay Kumar Gupta, Brahma N Singhand Nicholas Gathergood, Wiley-Blackwell, pp 289 – 302 (2020) ISBN: 9781119434320
  • Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, K B Arun, Ashok Pandey, Parameswaran Binod and Edgard Gnansounou. Microbial production of flavonoids: engineering strategies for improved production. In “A handbook on High Value Fermentation Products, Editors – Saurabh Saran, Vikash Babu and Asha Chaubey,  Volume 1 – Human health”, Scrivener (Wiley), pp 365 – 380 (2019). ISBN 10:1119460018.
  • Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA’s). In “A handbook on High Value Fermentation Products, Editors – Saurabh Saran, Vikash Babu and Asha Chaubey Volume 2 – Human welfare”, Scrivener (Wiley), pp 109 – 126 (2019). ISBN 978-1-119-46001-5.
  • Sharrel Rebello, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Enzyme catalysis: A workforce to productivity of textile industry. In “A handbook on High Value Fermentation Products, Editors – Saurabh Saran, Vikash Babu and Asha Chaubey, Volume 2 – Human welfare”, Scrivener (Wiley), pp 49 – 66 (2019). ISBN 978-1-119-46001-5. 
  • Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, K. B. Arun, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Advances and tools in engineering yeast for pharmaceutical production. In “Biosynthetic Technology and Environmental Challenges”, Editors – Sunita J Varjani, Binod Parameswaran, Sunil Kumar and Sunil K Khare, Springer Nature, pp 29-50 (2017). ISBN 978-981-10-7433-2
  • Sharrel Rebello, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Biosynthesis and technological advancements of biosurfactants. In “Biosynthetic Technology and Environmental Challenges”, Editors – Sunita J Varjani, Binod Parameswaran, Sunil Kumar and Sunil K Khare, Springer Nature, pp 167 – 184 (2017). ISBN 978-981-10-7433-2
  • Anju Alphonsa Jose, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Production, characterization and applications of microbial poly-gamma-glutamic acid. In “Biosynthetic Technology and Environmental Challenges”, Editors – Sunita J Varjani, Binod Parameswaran, Sunil Kumar and Sunil K Khare, Springer Nature, pp 105 – 126 (2017). ISBN 978-981-10-7433-2
  • Meena Krishania, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Vivek Ahluwalia, Vinod Kumar, Rajender Singh Sangwan and Ashok Pandey. Design of bioreactors in solid state fermentation. In “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Current Advances in Solid State Fermentation”, Editors – Ashok Pandey, Christian Larroche and Carlos Soccol, Elsevier Inc, USA, pp 83 -95 (2017). ISBN: 978-0-444-63990-5
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Bioethanol production from lignocellulosics. In “Biofuels- production and future perspectives”, Editors – Ram Sarup Singh, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou, CRC Press, USA, pp 237 – 251 (2016). ISBN-13: 978-1-4987-2359-6
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. . Design and types of bioprocesses. In “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering- Bioprocesses, bioreactors and controls”, Editors – Christian Larroche, M. Sanroman, Guocheng Du and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier Inc, USA, pp 29-44 (2016). ISBN-978-0-444-63663-8
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. α- amylases, In “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering- Production, isolation and purification of industrial products”, Editors – Ashok Pandey, Sangeeta Negi and Carlos Soccol, Elsevier Inc, USA, pp 3-24 (2016). ISBN-978-0-444-63662-1
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Microbial poly-3-hydroxybutyrate and related co-polymers, In “Industrial biorefineries and white biotechnology, Editors – Ashok Pandey, Rainer Hofer, Christian Larroche and Mohammed Taherzadeh, Elsevier Inc, USA, PP 575-606 (2015). ISBN-978- 0-444-63453-5 
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Microbial diversity of nanoparticle biosynthesis, In “Bio-nanoparticles- biosynthesis and sustainable implications” Editor – Om V Singh, John Wiley and Sons. Inc. pp 161-174 (2015). ISBN-978-1-118-67768-1 
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Alkaline treatment, In “Pretreatment of biomass- processes and technologies”, Editors – Ashok Pandey, Sangeeta Negi, Parameswaran Binod and Christian Larroche, Elsevier Inc. USA pp 51-61 (2014). ISBN-978-0-12-800080-9
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey: Microbial Polymers through sustainable bioprocesses In “Solutions to environmental challenges through innovations in research” (Eds: Li Shu, Veeriah Jagatheesan, Jurate Virkutyte, Handojo Djati Utomo), Asiatech Publishers, India. pp 364-392 (2013). ISBN-81-87680-31-8 
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. The alcoholic fermentation step: the most common ethanologenic (Yeasts and Bacteria) microorganisms, In “Lignocellulose conversion – enzymatic and microbial tools for bioethanol production”, (Ed. Vincenza Faraco), Springer, London pp 131-149 (2013). ISBN-978-3-642-37860-7 
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey “Up-stream operations of fermentation processes”. In: Fermentation process engineering in the food industry (Eds: Carlos Ricardo Soccol, Ashok Pandey and Christian Larroche), Taylor and Francis group, pp 75 – 88 (2013). ISBN-978- 1-4398-8765-3 
  • Parameswaran Binod, Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol production. In: “Biofuels: Alternative Feedstock’s and Conversion Processes”, (Eds: Ashok Pandey, Christian Larroche, Steven C Ricke), Elsevier Inc. USA pp 229 – 250 (2011). ISBN-978-0-12-385099-7 
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Microbial sources of vitamins: In: Comprehensive Food Fermentation Biotechnology (Ed: Ashok Pandey), 959-979 (2010). ISBN-9788187680229

International Journals

  • Arun K.B, Aravind Madhavan, Ayon Tarafdar, Ranjna Sirohi, Anoopkumar A. N, Laya Liz Kuriakose, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Parameswaran Binod, Sunita Varjani and Raveendran Sindhu. Filamentous fungi for pharmaceutical compounds degradation in the environment: A sustainable approach. Environmental Technology and Innovation (IF 7.758). (Corresponding author).
  • Ayon Tarafdar, G. Sowmya, K. Yogeshwari, Gurudeep Rattu, Taru Negi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Anh Tuan Hoang, Raveendran Sindhu and Ranjna Sirohi. Environmental pollution mitigation through utilization of crabon dioxide by microalgae. Environmnetal Pollution (2023), 328, 121623 (IF 9.988).
  • N. Anoopkumar, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Laya Liz Kuriakose, A. Surendhar, Aravind Madhavan, Vinod Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Parameswaran Binod and Raveendran Sindhu. Journal of Food Science and Technology (IF 3.117) (Corresponding author).
  • Rekha Unni, Reshmy. R, Karthika Ramesh, Tiju Joseph Mathew, Abraham. A, Yogesh Bharat Dalvi, Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Asad Syed, Meenakshi Verma, Balasubramani Raveendran and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. International Journal of Macromolecules (2023), 239, 124467 (IF 8.035).
  • Rajendiran Naveenkumar, Jayaraj Iyyappan, Ravichandran Pravin, Seifedine Kadry, Jeehoon Han, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Samuel Lalthazuala Rokhum and Gurunathan Baskar. a strategic review on sustainable approaches in municipal solid waste management and energy recovery.: Role of artificial intelligence, economic stability and life cycle assessment. Bioresource Technology (2023), 379, 129044 (IF 11.884).
  • Pankaj Kumar Singh, Abhishek Saxena, Rashi Tyagi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Archana Tiwari. Biomass valorization of agriculture wastewater grown freshwater diatom Nitzchia sp. for metabolites, antibacterial activity and biofertilizer. Bioresource Technology (2023) 377, 128976 (IF 11.889).
  • Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, A.N. Anoopkumar, Aravind Madhavan, Raevendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mohammed Kuddus, Hector A Ruiz, Ashok Pandey, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Pau Loke Show. Inferences on bioengineering perspectives and circular economyto tackle the emerging pollutants. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2023) 30, 103116 (IF 7.758) (Corresponding Author).
  • Zheli Ding, Yu Ge, Sarath C Gowd, Ekta Singh, Vinay Kumar, Deepshi Chaurasia, Vikas Kumar, Karthik Rajendran, Preeti Chaturvedi Bhargava, Peicong Wu, Fei Lin, Sharereh Harirchi, Veeramuthu Ashok Kumar, Ranjna sirohi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mohammed J Taherzadeh and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Production of biochar from tropical fruit tree residues and eco-friendly applications – A review. Bioresource Technology (2023) 376, 128903 (IF 11.884).
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Yogesh Kumar, Aravind Madhavan, Narashans Alok Sagar, Raveendran Sindhu, B. Bharatiraja, Hari Om Pandeyand Ayon Tarafdar. Engineered nanomaterials for water desalination: Trends and Challenges. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2023) 30, 103108 (IF 7.758).
  • Anu Radha, Vivek Ahuwalia, Amit Kumar Rai, Sunita Varjani, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Saurabh Saran and Vinod Kumar. The way forward to produce nutraceuticals from agri-food processing residues: Obstacle, solution and possibility. Journal of Food Science and Technology (2023) (IF 3.117).
  • Zheli Ding, Yu Ge, Taner sar, Vinay Kumar, Sharareh Harirchi, Parameswaran binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Raveendran Sindhu, Peicong Wu, Fei Lin, Zengquiang Zhang, Mohammad J Tahaerzadeh and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Valorization of tropical fruit waste for the production of commercial biorefinery products- A review. Bioresource Technology (2023) 374, 128793 (IF 11.889).
  • Neha Kamal, Raveendran Sindhu and Preeti Chaturvedi Bhargava. Biodegradation of emerging organic pollutant gemfibrozil: Mechanism, kinetics and pathway modeling. Bioresource Technology (2023) 374, 128749. (IF 11.889).
  • Aniket Naha, Sherly Antony, Soumitra Nath, Dhrubjyoti Sharma, Anamika Mishra, Devika T Biju, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Sunita Varjani and Raveendran Sindhu. A hypothetical model of multi-layered cost-effective wastewater treatment plant integrating microbial fuel cell and nanofiltration technology: A comprehensive review on wastewater treatment and sustainable remediation. Environmental Pollution (2023) 323, 121274 (IF 8.071) (Corresponding Author).
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Taner Sar, Sarath C Gowd, Surendra Sarsaiya, Yue Li, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Zengquiang Zhang, Ashok Pandey and Mohammad J Taherzadeh. A comprehensive review on thermochemical, and biochemical conversion methods of lignocellulosic biomass into valuable end product. FUEL (2023) 342, 127790. (IF 8.035)
  • Xinwei Sun, A. N. Anoopkumar, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Mohammed Kuddus, Ashok Pandey, Raveendran Sindhu and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Hormesis-tempting stressors driven by evolutionary factors for mitigating negative impacts instigated over extended exposure to chemical elements. Environmental Pollution (2023) 322, 121246 (IF 8.071).
  • Sonu S Shibu, Neethu Anil, Merlin S Sajan, Syedali. N and Raveendran Sindhu. Bioactive edible packaging from Selaginella: A novel source of sustainable paclkaging. Chetana, 2022, 1, 6-10. (Corresponding author)
  • Aravind Madhavan, Reshmy. R, K. B. Arun, Eapen Philip, Raveendran Sindhu, Bipin G Nair, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Murraya koenigii extract blended nanocellulose-polyethylene glycol thin films for the sustainable synthesi s of antibacterial food packaging. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (2023) 32, 101021 (IF 5.25).
  • Sharrel Rebello, Sangeeta Sali, Jisha. M. S, Reshmy. R, Arivalagan pugazhendhi, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Chitosan a versatile adsorbent in environmental remediation in the era of circular economy: a Mini review. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (2023), 32, 101004 (IF 5.25).
  • Shivpal Verma, Andrei Mikhailovich Dregulo, Vinay Kumar, Preeti Chathurvedi Bhargava, Nawaz Khan, Anuradha Singh, Xinwei Sun, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Zengquiang Zhang, Ashok Pandey and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Reaction engineering during biomass gasification and conversion to energy. Energy (2023), 266, 126458 (IF 7.147).
  • Aravind Madhavan, K. B. Arun, Raveendran Sindhu, Bipin G Nair, Ashok Pandey, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, George Szakacs and Parameswaran Binod. Design and genome engineering of microbial cell factories for efficient conversion of lignocellulose to fuel. Bioresource Technology (2023), 370, 128555 (IF 11.889).
  • N. Anoopkumar, R. Reshmy, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Aravind Madhavan, Laya Liz Kuriakose, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey, Parameswaran Binod and Raveendran Sindhu. Progress and challenges of microwave-assisted pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass from circular bioeconomy perspectives. Bioresource Technology (2023) 369, 128459 (IF 11.889) (Corresponding author).
  • Yue Zhang, A. N. Anoopkumar, Embalil Mathachan aneesh, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Parameswaran Binod, Mohammed Kuddus, Ashok Pandey, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Raveendran Sindhu. Advancements in the energy-efficient brine mining technologies as a new frontier for renewable energy. FUEL (2023), 335, 127072 (IF 8.035) (Corresponding author),
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Vinay Kumar, Coralie Hellwig, Rachma Wikandari, Sharareh Harirchi, Taner Sar, Steven Wainaina, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Zengqiang Zhang and Mohammad J Taherzadeh. Filamentous fungi for sustainable vegan food production systems within a circular economy: Present status and future prospects. Food Research International (2023), 164, 112318 (IF 7.10).
  • Yue Zhang, Zheli Ding, Md. Shahadat Hossain, Rupesh Maurya, Yulu Yang, Vijai Singh, Deepak Kumar, El-Sayad Salama, Xinwei Sun, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Zengquiang Zhang and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Recent advances in lignocellulosic and algal biomass pretreatment and its biorefinery approaches for biochemicals and bioenergy conversion. Bioresource Technology (2023), 367, 128281 (IF 11.889).
  • Thangavel Mathimani, Eldon R Rene, Raveendran Sindhu, Mysoon M Al-Ansari, Latifah A Al-Humaid, G. K.Jhanani, Nguyen Thuy Lan Chi and Rajasree Shanmuganathan. Biodiesel synthesis and engine performance study using one-pot synthesized ZnO/MCM-41. FUEL (2023) 336, 126830 (IF 8.035).
  • Zheli Ding, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Manish Kumar, Vinay Kumar, Andrei Mikhailovich Dregulo, Vivek Yadav, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Surendra Sarsaiya, Ashok Pandey, Mohammad J Taherzadeh, Rashmi Rathour, Lal Singh, Zengquiang Zhang, Zihao Lian and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. A thermo-chemical and biotechnological approaches for bamboo waste recycling and conversion to value added product: Towards a zero-waste biorefinery and circular bioeconomy. Fuel (2023), 333, 126469 (IF 8.035).
  • B. Arun, A. N. Anoopkumar, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Aravind Madhavan and Mukesh Kumar Awsathi. Synthetic biology for sustainable food ingredients production: Recent trends. System Microbiology and Biomanufacturing (2022) 3, 137 -149.
  • Tharangattumana Krishnan Godan, Leena P Devendra, Maria paul Alphy, R. O. Rajesh, Narisetty Vivek, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Parameswaran Catalytic synthesis of 5- hydroxymethyl furfural from sorghum syrup derived fructose. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2022), 54, 102884 (IF 7.632).
  • Zheli Ding, Vinay Kumar, Taner Sar, Sharareh Harirchi, Andrei Mikhailovich Dregulo, Ranjna Sirohi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Xiaodi Liu, Zengqiang Zhang, Mohammad J Taherzadeh and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. . Agrowaste as a potential carbon feedstock for Poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates production: Commercialization potential and technical hurdles. Bioresource Technology (2022), 364, 128058 (IF 11.889).
  • D. Gonzalez-Gloria, Rosa M Rodriguez – Jasso, Rohit Saxena, Raveendran Sindhu,Sameh S Ali, Reeta Rani Singhania, Anil Kumar Patel, Parameswaran Binod and Hector A Ruiz. Bubble column reactor design and evaluation for bioethanol production using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation strategy from hydrothermally pretreated lignocellulosic biomass. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2022) 187, 108645 (IF 3.978).
  • Yogesh Kumar, Samandeep Kaur, Ankan Kheto, Mohana Munshui, Ayon Sarkar, Hari Om Pandey, Ayon Tarafdar, Raveendran Sindhu and Ranjna Sirohi .Cultivation of microalgae on food waste: Recent advances and way forward. Bioresource Technology (2022), 363, 127834 (IF 11.889).
  • Arun K.B, Aravind Madhavan, A. N. Anoopkumar, Surendhar A, Laya Liz Kuriakose, Archana Tiwari, Ranjna sirohi, Mohammed Kuddus, Sharrel Rebello, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Sunita Varjani, Reshmy R, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Parameswaran Binod and Raveendran Sindhu. Integrated biorefinery development for pomegranate peel: Prospects for the production of fuel, chemicals and bioactive molecules. Bioresource Technology (2022) 362, 127833 (IF 11.889) (Corresponding author).
  • Poonam Sharma, Reena Vishwakarma, Krishna Gautam, Vivek K Gaur, Alvina Farooqui, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Preeti Chaturvedi, Ashok Pandey and Sunita Varjani. Multi-omics approaches for remediation of Bisphenol A: Toxicity, Risk Analysis, Roadblocks and Research perspectives. Environmental Research (2022) 215, 114198 (IF 8.431).
  • Pankaj Kumar Singh, Raya Bhattachariya, Thoma Kiran Marella, Abhishek Saxena, Bharti Mishra,Saverio Savio, Roberta Congestri, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and ArchanaTiwari.Production of lipids and proteins from marine diatoms under changing pH and silica. Bioresource Technology (2022), 362, 127766 (IF 11.889).
  • Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Narasinha J Shurpali, Henri Siljanen, Reijo Lappalainen, Puthiyamadam Anoop, Velayudhanpillai Prasannakumari Adarsh, Raveeendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey andParameswaran Binod. Bioprocess development of 2, 3- butanediol production using agro-industrialresidues. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (In Press) (IF 3.21).
  • Aravind Madhavan, Arun. K. B, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthiand Ashok Pandey. Aspergillus spp., a versatile cell factory for enzymes and metabolites: Interventions through genome editing. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (2022) 60, 647 ) (IF 0.944).
  • Rooben Reena, Maria Paul Alphy, Reshmy R, Deepa Thomas, Aravind Madhavan, Preeti Chaturvedi, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Hector ruiz, Vinod Kumar, Raveendran Sindhu and Parameswaran Binod. Sustainable valorization of sugarcane residues: Efficient deconstruction strategies for fuels and chemicals production. Bioresource Technology (2022), 361, 127759 (IF 11.889).
  • Xiaohui Zhang, Yuanrong Zheng, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Changyu Zhou, Francisco J Barba, Zhendong Cai, Lianliang Liu, Eldon R Rene, Daodong Pan, Jinxuan Cao, Raveendran Sindhu and Qiang Xia. Strategic Thermo-sonication mediated modulation of lactic acid bacteria acidification kinetics for enhanced (post)-fermentation performance. Bioresource Technology (2022), 361, 127739 (IF 11.889) .
  • Jinbo Hou, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Raveendran Sindhu, Vandana Vinayak, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Kathirvel Brindhadevi, Nguyen ThuyLan Chi and Deyi Yuan. An assessment of Biochar as a potential amendment to enhance plant nutrient uptake. Environmental Research (2022) 214, 113909 (IF 8.431).
  • Mukesh kumar Awasthi, Binghua Yan, Taner Sar, Ricardo Gomez-Garcia, Liheng Ren, Pooja Sharma, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Vinod Kumar, Deepak Kumar, Badr. A. Mohamed, Zengquiang Zhang and Mohammed J Taherzadeh. Organic waste recycling for carbon smart circular bioeconomy and sustainable development: A review. Bioresource Technology (2022) 360, 127620 (IF 11.889).
  • Rooben Reena, Raveendran Sindhu, Palanisamy Athiyaman Balakumaran, Ashok Pandey, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Parameswaran Binod. Insight into citric acid: A versatile organic acid. FUEL (2022) 327, 125181 (IF 8.035).
  • Dhruva Mukhopadhyay, Nawaz Khan, Neha Kamal, Sunita Vaerjani, Shivani Singh, Raveendran Sindhu, Pratima Gupta and Preeti Chaturvedi Bhargava. Degradation of β- lactam antibioticsAmpicillin using sustainable microbial peroxide producing cell system. Bioresource Technology(2022), 361, 127605 (IF 11.889).
  • Abhispa Bora, Mohanrasu K, Angelin Swetha T, Ananthi V, Arun A, Nguyen Thuy, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Raveendran Sindhu and Mathimani Thangavel. Microbial Electrolysis Cell (MEC): reactor configuration, recent advances and strategies in biohydrogen production. FUEL (2022) 328, 125269 (IF 8.035).
  • Mukesh Kumar Awsathi, Sharereh Harirchi, Taner Sar, Vigneswaran V. S, Karthik Rajendran, Ricardo Gomez-Garcia, CoralieHellwig,Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan, Anoop Kumar A. N, Vinod Kumar, Deepak Kumar, Zengquiang Zhang and Mohammad J Taherzadeh. Myco-biorefinery approaches for food waste valorization: Present status and future prospects. Bioresource Technology (2022) 360, 127592 (IF 11.889)
  • Yuwen Zhou, Vinay Kumar, Sharareh Harirchi, Vigneswaran V. S, Karthik Rajendran, Pooja Sharma, Yen Wah Tong, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Surendra Sarsaiya, Deepanraj Balakrishnan, M. Mofijur, Zengquiang Zhang, Mohammad J Taherzadeh and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi.  Recovery of value-added products from biowaste, Bioresource Technology (2022) 360, 127565 (IF 11.889).
  • Ranjan Preeti, Rooban Reena, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Microbial ketoreductase for the synthesis of chiral drug intermediate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (In Press) (IF 5.190).
  • Yuwen Zhou, A. N. Anoopkumar, Ayon Tarafdar, Aravind Madhavan, Mohan Binoop, Nair M Lakshmi, Arun K.B, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Ashok Pandey, Zengquiang Zhang and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Microbial engineering for the production and applications of phytases for the treatment of the toxic pollutants: A review. Environmental Pollutiion (2022) 308, 119703 (IF 9.988)
  • Sherin Varghese, Dhanraj N.D, Sharrel Rebello, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Jisha M. S and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Leads and hurdles to sustainable microbial bioplastic production. Chemosphere (2022) 305, 135390 (IF 8.943).
  • Yumin Duan, Ayon Tarafdar, Vinay Kumar, Prabakaran Ganeshan, Karthik Rajendran, Balendu Shekhar Giri, Ricardo Gomez-Garcia, Huike Li, Zengqiang Zhang, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Mohammed J Taherzadeh, Surendra Sarsaiya, Archana Jain and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Sustainable biorefinery approaches towards circular economy for conversion of biowaste to value added materials and future perspectives. FUEL (2022) 325, 124846 (IF 8.035).
  • Anubha S, Sharrel Rebello, Jisha M.S, Raveendran Sindhu, Mohammed Kuddus, Ashok Pandey, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Parameswaran Binod. The journey towards bioengineered herbicides. Bioengineered (Accepted) (IF 6.832).
  • Sherly Antony, Sham Antony, Sharrel Rebello, Sandhra George, Devika T Biju, Reshmy R, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Raveendran Sindhu and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Bioremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals- Advancements and challenges. Environmental Research (2022) 213, 113509 (IF 8.431) (Corresponding author).
  • Nguyen Thi Anh Nga, Vinay B Raghavendra, Raveendran Sindhu, Maha Alshiekheid, Amal Sabour, Ramakrishnan Krishnan, Nguyen Thuy Lan Chi and Arivalagan Pugazhendhi. Green fabrication of silver nanoparticles using Chloroxylon swietenia leaves and their application towards dye degradation and food borne pathogens. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2022) 165, 113192 (IF 6.023).
  • Biswhwambhar Mishra, Yugal Kishore Mohanta, Sunita Varjani, Sanjeeb KumarMandal, Lakshmayya NSV, Preeti Chaturvedi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Zengqiang Zhang, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Reeta Rani Singhanai and Vinod Kumar, A critical review on valorization of food processing wastes and by-products for pullulan production. Journal of Food Science and Technology (Accepted) (IF 2.701)
  • Kontham Kulangara Varsha, Vivek Narisetty, Kampreet Kaur Brar, Aravind Madhavan, Maria Paul Alphy, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Sunita Varjani and Parameswaran Binod. Journal of Food Science and Technology (Accepted) (IF 2.701)
  • Biswhwambhar Mishra, Yugal Kishore Mohanta, Sunita Varjani, Sanjeeb KumarMandal, Lakshmayya NSV, Preeti Chaturvedi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Zengqiang Zhang, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Reeta Rani Singhanai and Vinod Kumar, A critical review on valorization of food processing wastes and by-products for pullulan production. Journal of Food Science and Technology (Accepted) (IF 2.701)
  • Nguyen Thi Anh Nga, Vinay B Raghavendra, Raveendran Sindhu, Maha Alshiekheid, Amal Sabour, Ramakrishnan Krishnan, Nguyen Thuy Lan Chi and Arivalagan Pugazhendhi. Green fabrication of silver nanoparticles using Chloroxylon swietenia leaves and their application towards dye degradation and food borne pathogens. Food and Chemical Toxicology (Accepted) (IF 6.023).
  • Aravind Madhavan, Arun K. B, Deepthy Alex, A. N. Anoopkumar, Shibitha Emmanual, Preeti Chathurvedi, Sunita Varjani, Archana Tiwari, Vinod Kumar, Reshmy R, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Parameswaran Binod, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh and Raveendran Sindhu. Microbial production of nutraceuticals: Metabolic engineering interventions in phenolic compounds, polyunsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids synthesis. Journal of Food Science and Technology (Accepted) (IF 2.701) (Corresponding author).
  • Sherin Jacob, Reshmy R, Sherly Antony, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Mohammed Kuddus, Santhosh Pillai, Sunita Varjani and Ashok Pandey. Nanocellulose in tissue engineering and bioremediation: Mechanism of action. Bioengineered (2022), 13, 12823-12833 (IF 3.269).
  • Reshmy R, Arun K B, Aravind Madhavan, Eapen Philip, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Ashok Pandey. Neem extract blended nanocellulose derived from jackfruit peelfor antimicrobial packagings. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (In Press) (IF 4.223).
  • Shraddha Chauhan, Vikas Sharma, Sunita Varjani, Raveendran Sindhu and Preeti Chaturvedi Bhargava. Mitigation of tannery effluent with simultaneous generation of bioenergy using dual chambered microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology (2022) 351, 127084 (IF 9.643).
  • Rekha Unni, R. Reshmy, M. S. Latha, Eapen Philip, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Enhancement of mechanical and thermal properties of Ixora coccinea plant root derived nanocellulose using polyethylene glycol – glutaraldehyde system. Chemosphere (2022) 298, 134234 (IF 7.086).
  • Aditi Singh, Priya Prajapati, Shaili Vyas, Vivek Kumar Gaur, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Vinod Kumar, Reeta Rani Singhania, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Zengqiang Zhang and Sunita Varjani. A comprehensive review on feedstocks as substrates for next generation biofuels. BioEnergy Research (Accepted) (IF 2.814).
  • Reshmy R, Narisetty Vivek, Ayon Tarafdar, Neena Bachan, Aravind Madhavan, Archana Tiwari, Preeti Chathurvedi, Sunita Varjani, Ranjna Sirohi, Vinod Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Parameswaran Binod, Joseph Amrutharaj Nagoth and Raveendran Sindhu. Cellulase immobilization by nanoparticles for biofuel applications: Strategies and perspectives. BioEnergy Research (In Press) (IF 2.814).
  • Abhishek Saxena, Bharti Mishra, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Archana Tiwari. Nutrient acclimation in benthic diatoms: An insight into media optimization with adaptive evolution. Bioresource Technology (2022) 351, 126955 (IF 9.643)
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ayon Tarafdar, Vivek Kumar Gaur, K Amulya, Narisetty Vivek, Dheeraj Kumar Yadav, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Taru Negi, Ashok Pandey, Zengqiang Zhang and Ranjna Sirohi. Emerging trends of microbial technology for the production of oligosaccharides from biowaste and their potential applications as prebiotic.International Journal of Food Microbiology (2022) 368, 109610 (IF 3.451)
  • K B Arun, Raveendran Sindhu, Deepthy Alex, Parameswaran Binod, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Toms C Joseph, Ashok Pandey, Mohammed Kuddus, Santhosh Pillai, Shibitha Emmanual, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Aravind Madhavan. Bacterial bioactive metabolites as therapeutic agents: From production to action. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (2022) 27, 100650 (IF 4.567) (Co-first author)
  • Narisetty Vivek, Reshmy R, Shraddha Maitra, Ayon Tarfdar, Maria Paul Alphy, A Naresh Kumar, Aravind Madhavan, Ranjna Sirohi, Mukesh Kumar Awsathi, Raveendran Sindhu, Sunita Varjani and Parameswaran Binod. Waste derived fuels and chemicals for bioeconomy production: A sustainable approach. BioEnergy Research (In Press) (IF 2.814)
  • Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Manish Kumar, Surendra Sarsaiya, Vivek Ahluwalia, Hongyu Chen, Guneet Kaur, Ranjna Sirohi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Rashmi Rathour, Sunil Kumar, Lal Singh, Zengqiang Zhang, Mohammed J Taherzadeh and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Multi-criteria research lines on livestock manure biorefinery development towards a circular economy: From the perspective of a life cycle assessment and business models strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production (2022) 341, 130862 (IF 9.297)
  • Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Surendra Sarsaiya, Vinay Kumar, Preeti Chaturvedi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Zengqiang Zhang, Ashok Pandey and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Processing of municipal solid waste resources for a circular economy in China: An overview. FUEL (2022) 317, 123478 (IF 6.609).
  • Deepa Thomas, Reshmy R, Epen Philip, Raveendran Sindhu, Sarah B Ulaeto, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Developments in smart organic coatings for anticorrosion application: A review. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (Accepted) (IF 4.987).
  • Vinod Kumar, Vasudha Bansal, Aravind Madhavan, Manoj Kumar, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Parameswaran Binod. Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) chemicals: A critical review of current biotechnological approaches. Bioengineered (Accepted) (IF 3.269).
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Raveendran Sindhu, Ranjna Sirohi, Vinod Kumar, Vivek Ahluwalia, Parameswaran Binod, Ankita Juneja, Deepak Kumar, Binghua Yan, Surendra Sarsaiya, Zengqiang Zhang, Ashok Pandey and Mohammed J Taherzadeh. Agricultural waste biorefinery development towards circular bioeconomy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2022) 158, 112122 (IF 14.982).
  • Shikhangi Singh, Taru Negi, Narashans Alok Sagar, Yogesh Kumar, Ayon Tarafdar, Ranjna Sirohi, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Seafood processing derived solid waste biorefineries: Process, products and perspectives. Science of the Total Environment (2022), 817, 152951 (IF 7.963).
  • Narisetty Vivek, Priyanka Parhi, Binoop Mohan, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, A. Naresh Kumar, Beatriz Gullon, Anita Srivastava, Lakshmi M Nair, Maria Paul Alphy, Raveendran Sindhu, Vinod Kumar, Eulogio Castro, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Parameswaran Binod. Valorization of renewable resources to functional oligosaccharides: Recent trends and future perspectives. Bioresource Technology  (2022) 346, 126590 (IF 9.643).
  • Yuwen Zhou, Vinay Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Surendra Sarsaiya, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Zengquiang Zhang, Ashok Pandey and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Current state of the art biotechnological strategies for conversion of watermelon wastes residues to biopolymers production: A review Chemosphere (2022) 290, 133310 (IF 7.086).
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ekta Singh, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Surendra Sarsaiya, Aman Kuma, Hongyu Chen, Yumin Duan, Ashok Pandey, Sunil Kumar, Mohammed J Taherzadeh, Ji Li and  Zengqiang Zhang. Biotechnological strategies for bio-transforming biosolid into resources towards circular bio-economy: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2022) 156, 111987 (IF 14.982)
  • Reshmy R, Aravind Madhavan, Arun K. B, Eapen Philip, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Anoop Puthiyamadam, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Ashok Pandey. Chili-post harvest residue derived nanocellulose composite as a matrix for in vitro cell culture and Hemigraphis colorata blended nanocellulose extends antimicrobial potential. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (2022) 25, 100584 (IF 4.567).
  • Anju Alphonsa Jose, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Nair M Lakshmi, Arun K. B, Aravind Madhavan, Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarfdar, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Bacterial biopolymers: From production to applications in biomedicine. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (2022) 25, 100582 (IF 4.567).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Deepa Thomas, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Sunita Varjani, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Ashok Pandey. Bacterial nanocellulose: Engineering, production and applications. Bioengineered (2021) 12, 11463 -11483 (IF 3.269).
  • Maria Paul Alphy, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Mohan Binoop, Aravind Madhavan, Arun K. B, Narisetty Vivek, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Parameswaran Binod. Synthesis of C2-C4 diols from bioresources: Pathways and metabolic intervention strategies. Bioresource Technology (In Press) (IF 9.643).
  • Sharrel Rebello, Vinod Kumar Nathan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Ashok Pandey. Bioengineered microbes for soil health restoration – Present status and future. Bioengineered (2021) 12, 12839 – 12853 (IF 3.269).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Ayon Tarafdar, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Ashok Pandey. Biorefinery aspects for cost-effective production of nanocellulose and value-added biocomposites. FUEL (2022) 311, 122575  (IF 6.609).
  • Ayodeji Amobonye, Prashant Bhagwat, Raveendran Sindhu, Suren Singh and Santhosh Pillai. Environmental impacts of microplastics and nanoplastics. Frontiers in Microbiology (2021) (IF 5.640
  • Reshmy R, Palanisamy Athiyaman Balakumaran, Divakar K, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Ranjna Sirohi, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Raveendran Sindhu. Microbial valorization of lignin: Prospects and Challenges. Bioresource Technology (2022) 344, 126240 (IF 9.643). (Corresponding author)
  • Esther Oreoluwa Jokodola, Vivek Narisetty, Eulogio Castro, Sumit Durgapal, Frederic Coulon, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Rajesh Banu J, Gopalakrishnan Kumar and Vinod Kumar. Process optimization for production and recovery of succinic acid using xylose rich hydrolyzates by Actinobacillus succinogenesBioresource Technology (2022) 344, 126224 (IF 9.643).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Ranjna Sirohi, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Narisetty Vivek, Vinod Kumar and Raveendran Sindhu. Lignocellulose in future biorefineries: Strategies for cost-effective production of biomaterials and bioenergy. Bioresource Technology (In Press) (IF 9. 643). (Corresponding author)
  • Aravind Madhavan, K. B. Arun, Raveendran Sindhu, Anju Alphonsa Jose, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Reshmy R and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Engineering interventions in industrial filamentous fungal cell factories for biomass valorization. Bioresource Technology (2022) 344, 126209 (IF 9.643) (Co-first author).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Raveendran Sindhu, Ranjna Sirohi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Nanocellulose as green material for remediation of hazardous heavy metal contaminants. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2022) 424, 127516 (IF 10.588).
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Anindita Paul, Vinay Kumar, Taner Sar, Deepak Kumar, Surendra Sarsaiya, Hong Liu, Zengqiang Zhang, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Vinod Kumar and Mohammed J Taherzadeh. Recent trends and developments on integrated biochemical conversion of dairy waste to value added bioproducts: A review. Bioresource Technology (2022) 344, 126241 (IF 9.643).
  • Hong Liu, Vinay Kumar, Vivek Yadav, Shasha Guo, Surendra Sarasaiya, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Ping Xu, Zengquiang Zhang, Ashok Pandey and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Bioengineered biochar as smart candidate for resource recovery toward circular economy: A review. Bioengineered (2021) 12, (IF 3.269).
  • Kamalpreet Kaur Brar, Sara Magdouli, Amina Othmani, Javed Ghanei, Narisetty Vivek, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Ashok Pandey. Green route for recycling of low-cost waste resources for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and nanomaterials (NMs) – A review. Environmental Research (In Press) (IF 6.498).
  • Deepak Kumar, Aishwarya Mishra, Ayon Tarafdar, Abdullah Anwar, Athiya Salagram, Siraz Alam, Ashish K Sahoo, Raveendran Sindhu and Prarabdh C Badgujar. Protease catalyzed production of spent hen meat hydrolyzate powder for health food applications. Journal of Food Quality (2021) 1-9 (IF 2.45).
  • Reshmy R, Paulose T. A. P, Eapen Philip, Deepa Thomas, Aravind Madhavan, Ranjna Sirohi, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Updates on high value products from cellulosic biorefinery. FUEL (2022) 308, 122056 (IF 6.609)(Corresponding author)
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Green remediation of the potential hazardous shellfish wastes generated from the processing industries and their bioprospecting. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2021) 24, 101979 (IF 5.2).
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Narashans Alok Sagar, Pooja Sharma, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Prarabdh C Badgujar, Aravind Madhavan, Reshmy R, Raveendran Sindhu, Sang Jun Sim and Ashok Pandey. Strategies and advances in the pretreatment of microalgal biomass in a circular bioeconomy. Journal of Biotechnology (2021) 341, 63-75 (IF 3.307).
  • Nair M Lakshmi, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Ashok Pandey. Microbial engineering for the production of isobutanol: Current status and future directions. Bioengineered (Accepted) (IF 3.269).
  • Ayon Tarafdar, Ranjna Sirohi, Palanisamy Athiyaman Balakumaran, Reshmy R, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Yogesh Kumar, Deepak Kumar and Sang Jun Sim. The hazardous threat of Bisphenol A: Toxicity, detection and remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2022) 423, 127097 (IF 10.588).
  • Yuwen Zhou, Manish Kumar, Surendra Sarsaiya, Ranjna Sirohi, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Nanthi S Bolan, Zengquiang Zhang, Lal Singh, Sunil Kumar and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Challenges and oppurtunities in bioremediation of micro-nanoplastics: A review. Science of the Total Environment (2022) 802, 149823 (IF 7.9).
  • Abijith Suvachan, Roshan Lal, K. Madhavan Nampoothiri, Raveendran Sindhu, Thallada Bhaskar, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Rakesh Yasarla. Valorization of paper industry rejects by combined thermo-chemical pretreatment and biological conversion to L-lysine. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2021) 24, 101882 (IF 5.2).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Arun K. B, Parameswaran Binod, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Edgard Gnansounou, Ashok Pandey and Raveendran Sindhu. Promising eco-friendly materials for future biomedicine: Cleaner production and applications of nanocellulose. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2021) 24, 101855 (IF 5.2). (Corresponding author)
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Jai Prakash Pandey, Ayon Tarafdar, Pooja Sharma, Poonam Sharma and Raveendran Sindhu. Tailoring a hybrid intelligent model to predict fermentable sugar production for enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of damaged wheat grains. Food Bioscience (2021) 43, 101299 (IF 4.240).
  • Nair M Lakshmi, Mohan Binoop, Chandrasekharan Salini, Narisetty Vivek, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Isobutanol production by Candida glabrata – A potential organism for future fuel demands. FUEL (2021) 306, 121634 (IF 6.609).
  • Maria Paul Alphy, Kodekkattil Babu Anjali, Narisetty Vivek, Banjagere Veerabhadrappa Thirumalesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Sweet sorghum juice as an alternative carbon source and adaptive evolution of Lactobacillus brevis3.3 in sweet sorghum juice and biodiesel derived crude glycerol to improve 1, 3- propanediol production. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (2021) 9, 106086 (IF 5.909).
  • Arun K.B, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Shibitha Emmanual, Parameswaran Binod, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Ranjna Sirohi, Reshmy R, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Edgard Gnansounou and Ashok Pandey. Probiotics and gut microbiome – Prospects and challenges in remediating heavy metal toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2021) 420, 126676 (IF 10.588) (Co-first author).
  • Geetanjali Yadav, Thangavel Mathimani, Manigandan Sekar, Raveendran Sindhu and Arivalagan Pugazhendhi. Strategic evaluation of limiting factors affecting algal growth – an approach to waste mitigation and carbon dioxide sequestration. Science of the Total Environment (2021) 796, 149049 (IF 7.9).
  • Geetanjali Yadav, Arpit Mishra, Parthasarathi Ghosh, Raveendran Sindhu, Vandana Vinayak and Arivalagan Pugazhendhi. Technical, economic and environmental feasibility of resource recovery technologies from wastewater. Science of the Total Environment (2021) 796, 149022 (IF 7.9).
  • Sharrel Rebello, Sivaprasad M.S, Anoopkumar, A.N, Lakshmi Jayakrishnan, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Vivek Narisetty, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi and Ashok Pandey. Cleaner technologies to combat heavy metal toxicity. Journal of Environmental Management (2021) 296, 113231 (IF 6.789)
  • Hong Liu, Vinay Kumar, Linjing Jia, Surendra Sarsaiya, Deepak Kumar, Ankita Juneja, Zengqiang Zhang, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Shashi Kant Bhatia and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Biopolymer poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production from apple industrial waste residues: A review. Chemosphere (2021) 284, 131427 (IF 7.086).
  • Priya Prajapati, Sunita Varjani, Reeta Rani Singhania, Anil Kumar Patel, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Raveendran Sindhu, Zengqiang Zhang, Parameswaran Binod, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi and Preeti Chaturvedi. Critical review on technological advancements for effective waste management of municipal solid waste: Updates and way forward. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2021) 23,101749 (IF 5.2).
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Diksha Raina, Vivek Narisetty, Vinod Kumar, Saurabh Saran, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Recent advances in biodiesel production: Challenges and solutions. Science of the Total Environment (2021) 794, 148751 (IF 7.9).
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Chieh Chen Huang, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Santhosh Pillai and Ashok Pandey. Enzymatic approaches in the bioprocessing of shellfish wastes. 3 Biotech (2021) 11, 367 (IF 3.203). (Corresponding author)
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Arun K.B, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Sunita Varjani and Raveendran Sindhu. Nanobiocatalysts: Advancements and applications in enzyme technology. Bioresource Technology (2021) 337, 125491(IF 9.643). (Corresponding author)
  • Aravind Madhavan, Arun K. B, Raveendran Sindhu, Jayaram Krishnamoorthy, Reshmy R, Ranjna Sirohi, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, George Szakacs and Binod Parameswaran. Customized yeast cell factories for biopharmaceuticals: From cell engineering to process scale up. Microbial Cell Factories (2021) 20,124 (IF 5.3) (Co-first author).
  • Yuwen Zhou, Huimin Liu, Shiyi Qin, Taner Sar, Surendra Sarsaiya, Tao Liu, Raveendran Sindhu, Anil Kumar Patel, Parameswaran Binod, Sunita Varjani, Reeta Rani Singhania, Zengquiang Zhang and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Production and beneficial impact of biochar for environmental application: A comprehensive review. Bioresource Technology (2021) 337, 125451 (IF 9.643).
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Vivek Kumar Gaur, Shikangi Singh, Raveendran Sindhu, Reshmy Rajasekharan, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod, Sunil Kumar and Ashok Pandey. Technologies for disinfection of food grains: Advances and way forward. Food Research International (2021) 145, 110396 (IF 6.475).
  • Reshmy R, Deepa Thomas, Eapen Philip, Sherely A Paul, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar and Ashok Pandey. Potential of nanocellulose for wastewater treatment. Chemosphere (2021) 281, 130738 (IF 7.086).
  • Huimin Liu, Shiyi Qin, Ranjna Sirohi, Vivek Ahuwalia, Yuwen Zhou, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Reeta Rani Singhania, Anil Kumar Patel, Ankita Juneja, Deepak Kumar, Zhenquiang Zhang, Jitendra Kumar, Mohammed J Taherzadeh and Mukesh Kumar Awasthi. Sustainable blueberry waste recycling towards biorefinery strategy and circular bioeconomy: A review. Bioresource Technology (2021), 332, 125181 (IF 9.643).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ayon Tarafdar and Ashok Pandey. Advanced biomaterials for sustainable applications in the food industry: Updates and challenges. Environmental Pollution (2021) 283, 117071 (IF 8.071).
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Jorge A Ferreira, Ranjna Sirohi, Surendra Sarasaiya, Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Samin Baladir, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Ankita Juneja, Deepak Kumar, Zhenqiang Zhang and Mohammed Taherzadeh. A critical review on the development stage of biorefinery systems towards the management of apple processing – derived waste. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2021) 143, 110972 (IF 14.982).
  • Ananthi V, Balaji P, Raveendran Sindhu, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi and Arun A. A critical review on different harvesting techniques for algal based biodiesel production. Science of the Total Environment (2021) 780, 146467 (IF 7.9).
  • Sini Francis C. F, Sharrel Rebello, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Suren Singh and Ashok Pandey. Bioprospects of gut microflora in plastic degradation. Bioengineered (2021) 12 (1), 1040 – 1053 (IF 3.269).
  • Nair Sreecha Chandran, Sonia John, Sharrel Rebello, Reshmy R, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Pectin based composites for energy and environment. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (2019) 61 (2), 689 – 699.
  • Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Surendra Sarasaiya, Steven Wainaina, Karthik Rajendran, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi, Tao Liu, Yumin Duan, Archana Jain, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Zhenqiang Zhang and Mohammed J Taherzadeh. Techno-economics and life cycle assessment of biological and thermo-chemical treatment of biowaste. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2021) 144, 110837 (IF 14.982).
  • Ramya Ganesan, S Manigandan, Sabarathinam Shanmugam, Chandramohan V. P, Raveendran Sindhu, Sang-Hyoun Kim, Kathirvel Brindhadevi and Arivalagan Pugazhendhi. A detailed scrutinize on panorama of catalysts in biodiesel synthesis. Science of the Total Environment (2021) 777, 145683 (IF 7.9).
  • Narisetty Vivek, Nishant Gopalan, Satyajit Das, Keerthi Sasikumar, Raveendran Sindhu, Kesavan Madhavan Nampoothiri, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Synthesis and characterization of transparent biodegradable chitosan – exopolysaccharide films plasticized by bioderived 1, 3-propanediol. Sustainable Chemistry (2021) 2, 49-62.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan, K B Arun, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Reshmy R, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Metabolic circuits and gene regulators in polyhydroxyalkanoate producing organisms: Intervention strategies for enhanced production. Bioresource Technology (2021) 327, 124791 (IF 9.643).
  • Ayon Tarafdar, Ranjna Sirohi, Vivek Kumar Gaur, Sunil Kumar, Poonam Sharma, Sunita Varjani, Hari Om Pandey, Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan, Reshmy Rajasekharan and Sang Jun Sim. Engineering interventions in enzyme production: Lab to industrial scale. Bioresource Technology (2021) 326, 124771 (IF 9.643).
  • Reshmy R, Deepa Thomas, Eapen Philip, Sherley A Paul, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Ranjna Sirohi, Sunita Varjani, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Bioplastic production from renewable lignocellulosic feedstocks – A review. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology (2021) 20, 167 – 187 (IF 8.044).
  • Aravind Madhavan, Arun K. B, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Reshmy R, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi and Raveendran Sindhu. Design of novel enzyme biocatalysts for industrial bioprocess: Harnessing the power of protein engineering, high throughput screening and synthetic biology. Bioresource Technology (2021) 325, 124617 (IF 9.643). (Corresponding author)
  • Reshmy R, Aravind Madhavan, Eapen Philip, Sherely A Paul, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Arivalagan Pugazhendi, Ranjna Sirohi and Ashok Pandey. Sugarcane bagasse derived nanocellulose reinforced with frankinscence (Boswellia serrata): Physico-chemical properties, biodegradability and antimicrobial effect for controlling microbial growth for food packaging application. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2021) 21, 101335 (IF 5.263). (Corresponding author)
  • Narisetty Vivek, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Maria Paul Alphy, Vinod Kumar, Sara Magdouli, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Recent advances in microbial biosynthesis of C3-C5 diols: Genetics and process engineering approaches. Bioresource Technology (2021) 322, 124527(IF 9.643).
  • Sharrel Rebello, Anoopkumar A. N, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Sang Hyoun Kim and Ashok Pandey. Hazardous mineral mining: challenges and solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2021) 402, 123474 (IF 10.588).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Vaisakh P. H, Shibin Raj, Sherly Annie Paul, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Arivalagan Pugazhendi and Ashok Pandey. Development of an eco-friendly biodegradable plastic from jack fruit peel cellulose with different plasticizers and Boswellia serrata as filler. Science of the Total Environment (2021) 767, 144285 (IF 7.9)(Corresponding author)
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Jai Prakash Pandey, Ayon Tarafdar, Aparna Agarwal, Sadhan Chaudhuri and Raveendran Sindhu. An environmentally sustainable green process for the utilization of damaged wheat grains for poly-3-hydroxybutyrate production. Environmental Technology and Innovation (2021) 21, 101271 (IF 5.263).
  • Reshmy R, Vaisakh P. H, Sherely Annie Paul, Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. An eco-friendly strategy for the production of cellulose acetate and development of thin films from jackfruit peel using polyethylene glycol. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (2019) 61(1), 629-635.
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Sherely A Paul, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Ranjna Sirohi. Nanocellulose-based products for sustainable applications – recent trends and possibilities. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology (2020) 19, 779 – 806 (IF 8.044).
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Dony Chacko Mathew, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Chieh- Chen Huang, Parameswaran Binod, Ranjna Sirohi, Sang – Hyoun Kim and Ashok Pandey. Sustainable and eco-friendly strategies for shrimp shell valorization. Environmental Pollution (2020) 267, 115656 (IF 8.071).
  • Reshmy R, Eapen Philip, Sherely A Paul, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. A green refinery platform for cost effective nanocellulose production: Investigation of hydrodynamic properties and biodegradability of thin films. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2021) 11, 861 – 870 (IF 4.987).
  • Gincy Marina Mathew, Aravind Madhavan, Arun K.B, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Reetha Rani Singhania, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Thermophilic chitinases: Structural, functional and engineering attributes for industrial applications. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2021) 193, 142 – 164 (IF 2.926).
  • B. Arun, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Reshmy R and Ranjna Sirohi. Remodelling agro-industrial and food wastes into value-added bioactives and biopolymers. Industrial Crops and Products (2020) 154, 112621 (IF 4.244). (Corresponding author)
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Jai Prakash Pandey, Vivek Kumar Gaur, Edgard Gnansounou and Raveendran Sindhu. Critical overview of biomass feedstocks as suitable substrates for the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). Bioresource Technology (2020) 311, 123536 (IF 7.539).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Athulya Manju, Pooja Mohan, Rajendran Omana Rajesh, Aravind Madhavan, Arun K. B, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Anju Mohandas, Swathi Ponnusamy Rajamani, Anoop Puthiyamadam, Parameswaran Binod and Reshmy. R. Valorization of food and kitchen waste: An integrated strategy adopted for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, bioethanol, pectinase and 2, 3- butanediol. Bioresource Technology (2020) 310, 123515 (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Ranjna Sirohi, Jai Prakash Pandey, Anupama Singh, Raveendran Sindhu, Umesh Chandra Lohani, Rita Goel and Arun Kumar. Acid hydrolysis of damaged wheat grains: Modeling the formation of reducing sugars by a neural network approach. Industrial Crops and Products (2020) 149, 112351 (IF 4.244)
  • Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Lignocellulosic biorefinery approach for microbial 2, 3 butanediol production. Bioresource Technology (2020) 302, 122873 (IF 7.539).
  • Amith Abraham, Anil K Mathew, Hyojung Park, Okkyoung Choi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Jung Han Park and Byoung In Sang. Pretreatment strategies for enhanced biogas production from lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology (2020) 301, 122725 (IF 7.539).
  • Sharrel Rebello, Anoopkumar A. N, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Sustainability and life cycle assessments of lignocellulosic and algal pretreatments. Bioresource Technology (2020) 301, 122678 (IF 7.539).
  • Biswambhar Mishra, Sunita Varjani, Gopalakrishnan Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Eldon R Rene, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthi and Zhenqiang Zhang. Microbial approaches for remediation of pollutants: Innovations, future outlook and challenges. Energy and Environment (2020) 0, 1-30 (IF 1.092).
  • Rajendran Omana Rajesh, Tharangattumana Krishnan Godan, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Bioengineering advancements, innovations and challenges on green synthesis of 2, 5 – furan dicarboxylic acid. Bioengineered (2019) 11, 19-38 (IF 2.205).
  • Rajan Devi, Kesavan Madhavan Nampoothiri, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Raveendran Sindhu and Muthu Arumugam. Lipase of Pseudomonas guariconesis as an additive in laundry detergent and transesterification biocatalyst. Journal of Basic Microbiology (2020) 112-125 (IF 1.909).
  • Aravind Madhavan, Arun Karthika Bahuleyan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Tailoring of microbes for the production of high value plant-derived compounds: from pathway engineering to fermentative production. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Proteins and Proteomics (2019) 1867, 140262 (IF 2.54).
  • Narisetty Vivek, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Rajendran Omana Rajesh, Tharangattumana Krishnan Godan, Kodakkattil Babu Anjali, Lakshmi M Nair, Binoop Mohan, Salini Chandrasekharan Nair, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Genomics of lactic acid bacteria for glycerol dissimilation. Molecular Biotechnology (2019) 61, 562-578 (IF 2.275).
  • Narisetty Vivek, Lekshmi M Nair, Binoop Mohan, Salini Chandrasekharan Nair, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey, Narasinha Shurpali and Ashok Pandey. Biobutanol production from rice straw – recent trends, possibilities and challenges. Bioresource Technology Reports (2019) 7, 100224.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Edgard Gnansounou, Sharrel Rebello, Parameswaran Binod, Sunita Varjani, Indu Sekhar Thakur, Ramkumar B Nair and Ashok Pandey. Conversion of food and kitchen waste to value-added products. Journal of Environmental Management (2019) 241, 619-630 (IF 4.005). (Corresponding author)
  • Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Chandrasekharan Nair Salini, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of oil palm front for the production of 2, 3-butanediol. Bioresource Technology (2019) 278, 145 – 149 (IF 7.539).
  • Binod Parameswaran, Edgard Gnansounou, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Enzymes for second generation biofuels: recent developments and future perspectives. Bioresource Technology Reports (2019) 5, 317 – 325.
  • Sharrel Rebello, Amith Abraham, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Arun K. B, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh and Ashok Pandey. Non conventional yeast cell factories for sustainable bioprocesses. FEMS Microbiology Letters (2018) 365, 1-10 (IF 1.735).
  • Vinod Kumar, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Vivek Ahluwalia, Ashok Pandey and Edgard Gnansounou. Bioconversion of pentose sugars to value added chemicals and fuels: recent trends, challenges and possibilities. Bioresource Technology (2018) 269, 443 – 451(IF 7.539).
  • Sharrel Rebello, A. N. Anoopkumar, Sreedev Puthur, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey and Embalil Mathachan Aneesh. Zinc oxide phytase nanocomposites as contributory tools to improved thermostability and shelf life. Bioresource Technology Reports (2018) 3, 1-6.
  • Raveendran Sindhu and Parameswaran Binod. Technological advancements and innovations in lignocellulosic based biorefinery for fuels and chemicals. In Proceedings of the Kerala Renewable Energy Congress (KREC 2018) 26 February – 27 February 2018, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. pp 65-70.
  • Indu Sekhar Thakur, Manish Kumar, Sunita Varjani, Yonghong Wu, Edgard Gnansounou and Raveendran Sindhu. Sequestration and utilization of carbon dioxide by chemical and biological methods for biofuels and biomaterials by chemoautotrophs: Opportunities and challenges. Bioresource Technology (2018) 256, 478 – 490 (IF 7.539).
  • Anju Mohandas, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Amith Abraham, Athiraraj SR, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew and Ashok Pandey. Production of pectinase from a novel isolate Bacillus sonorensis Food Technology and Biotechnology (2018) 56, 110 – 116 (IF 1.168). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ummalyma Sabeela Beevi, Amith Abraham, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Aravind Madhavan, Sharrel Rebello and Ashok Pandey. Application of microbial enzymes in food industry. Food Technology and Biotechnology (2018) 56, 16 – 30 (IF 1.168). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Ashok Pandey, Edgard Gnansounou and Galliano Eulogio Castro. An effective surfactant-assisted hydrothermal pretreatment strategy for bioethanol production from chili post-harvest residue by separate hydrolysis and fermentation. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2018) 41, 565 – 571 (IF 2.139). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu. Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, an eco-friendly biopolymer. CSIR-NIIST Samachar (2018) 20, January – June 2018, 3 – 4.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Athira Antony, Parameswaran Binod, Edgard Gnansounou, Ashok Pandey, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew and Amith Abraham. Development of an integrated dilute acid lime pretreatment of chili post harvest residue for bioethanol production. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC 2018) 31 December – 03 January 2018, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. SEEC-2018-46 pp 306-309.
  • Syed Sajitha, Raveendran Sindhu and Parameswaran Binod. Novel approaches for production and delivery of L-asparaginase- an oncolytic agent. Spinco Biotech Cutting Edge (2017) 7, 34 – 39.
  • Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Metagenome analysis: a powerful tool for enzyme bioprospecting. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2017) 183, 636-651 (IF 2.277).
  • Sharrel Rebello, Mohandas Anju, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Recent advances in the production and applications of microbial pectinases – an overview. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology (2017) 16, 381 -394 (IF 5.716).
  • Jalaja Vidya, Syed Sajitha, Mrudula Vasudevan Ushasree, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Aravind Madhavan and Ashok Pandey. Genetic and metabolic engineering approaches for the production and delivery of L-asparaginases – an overview. Bioresource Technology (2017) 245, 1775 -1781 (IF 7.539).
  • Narisetty Vivek, Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan, Alphonsa Jose Anju, Eulogio Castro, Vincenza Faraco, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Recent advances in the production of value added chemicals and lipids utilizing biodiesel industry generated crude glycerol as a substrate- challenges and possibilities – an overview. Bioresource Technology (2017) 239, 507-517 (IF 7.539).
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Aravind Madhavan, Amith Abraham, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Ummalyma Sabeela Beevi, Rajeev K Sukumaran, Sudhir P Singh and Ashok Pandey. Recent developments in L-glutaminase production and applications: an overview. Bioresource Technology (2017) 245, 1766-1774 (IF 7.539).
  • Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Strategies for design of improved biocatalysts for industrial applications. Bioresource Technology (2017) 245, 1304 – 1313 (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Aravind Madhavan, Ummalyma Sabeela Beevi, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Ashok Pandey and Vinod Kumar. Molecular improvements in microbial α- amylases for enhanced stability and catalytic efficiency. Bioresource Technology (2017) 245, 1740 -1748 (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Aravind Madhavan, Anju Alphonsa Jose, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Rajeev K Sukumaran, Ashok Pandey and Galliano Eulohio Castro. Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering approaches in non-conventional yeast for biofuel production. Frontiers in Energy Research (2017) 5 (6), 1-12. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2017.00008.  (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Edgard Gnansounou, Leya Thomas and Ashok Pandey. Development of a novel ultra-sound assisted alkali pretreatment strategy for the production of bioethanol and xylanases from chili post-harvest residue. Bioresource Technology (2017) 242, 146 – 151. (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Edgard Gnansounou, Rajeev K Sukumaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Dinabandhu Sahoo. Bioflocculation an alternative strategy for harvesting of microalgae – an overview. Bioresource Technology (2017) 242, 227 – 235. (IF 7.539).
  • Sharrel Rebello, Leny Jose, Raveendran Sindhu and Embalil Mathachan Aneesh. Molecular advancements in the development of thermostable phytases. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2017) 101, 2677 – 2689. (IF 3.340).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Kamal Jerina, Parameswaran Binod, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Edgard Gnansounou and Ashok Pandey. A novel surfactant assisted transition metal pretreatment of chili post harvest residue for the production of bioethanol. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC 2017) 26-28 February 2017, Mohali, India. SEEC-2017-68
  • Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Meera Christopher, Emrin George, Amith Abraham, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Rajeev K Sukumaran. Valorization of pineapple post harvest and fruit processing wastes by extraction of high value bromelain and use of residues for ethanol production. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC 2017) 26-28 February 2017, Mohali, India. SEEC-2017-114
  • Amith Abraham, Prajeesh K V, Athira Raj S, Raveendran Sindhu, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew and Rajeev K Sukumaran. In silico characterization of novel β- glucosidase isoforms from Aspergillus unguis for identifying potential enzymes for biomass hydrolysis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC 2017) 26-28 February 2017, Mohali, India. SEEC-2017-115
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Edgard Gnansounou and Ashok Pandey. Development of a novel ultrasound assisted hydrothermal pretreatment strategy for the production of bioethanol from chili post harvest residue. Annals of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (2017) 2, 1020. (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Aravind Madhavan, Jose Anju Alphonsa, Narisetty Vivek, Edgard Gnansounou, Eulogio Castro and Vincenza Faraco. Water hyacinth a potential source for value addition: an overview. Bioresource Technology (2017) 230, 152-162. (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Thomas Shalin, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey, Vincenza Faraco and Parameswaran Binod. Production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate from mixed culture. Biologia (2016) 71, 1-7 (IF696)(Corresponding author)
  • Amith Abraham, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey, Parameswaran Binod. Potential of rice straw for biorefining: an overview. Bioresource Technology (2016) 215, 29 – 36 (IF 7.539).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Edgard Gnansounou, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Bioconversion of sugarcane crop residues for value added products. Renewable Energy (2016) 98, 203 – 215 (IF 5.439)(Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. A novel sono-assisted acid pretreatment of chili post harvest residue for bioethanol production. Bioresource Technology (2016) 213, 58 – 63 (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Thunoli Payyanvalappil Prabisha, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Development of a combined pretreatment and hydrolysis strategy of rice straw for the production of bioethanol and biopolymer. Bioresource Technology (2016) 215, 110 – 116 (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass – an overview. Bioresource Technology (2016), 199, 76-82 (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Subbiah Raghavi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Edgard Gnansounou and Ashok Pandey. Development of a novel sequential pretreatment strategy for the production of bioethanol from sugarcane trash. Bioresource Technology (2016), 199, 202-210 (IF 7.539). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Edgard Gnansounou, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. A novel crude glycerol assisted surfactant pretreatment strategy of chili post-harvest residue for bioethanol production. Biofuels (2015) (IF 0.784). (Corresponding author)
  • Thunoli Payyanvalappil Prabisha, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Vandana Sankar, Kozhiparampil Gopalan Raghu and Ashok Pandey. Production and characterization of PHB from a novel isolate Comomonas from a dairy effluent sample and its application in cell culture. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2015), 101, 150-159 (IF 3.226) (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Solid state fermentation for the production of poly (hydroxyalkaonates). Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly (2015), 29, 173-181 (IF 1.383).
  • Leya Thomas, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Production of an alkaline xylanase from recombinant Kluveromyces lactis (KY1) by submerged fermentation and its application in bio-bleaching. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2015), 102, 24-30 (IF 3.226).
  • Thomas Shalin, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Carlos Ricardo Soccol and Ashok Pandey. Mixed cultures fermentation for the production of poly–β-hydroxybutyrate. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (2014) 57, 644 – 652. (IF 0.676). (Corresponding author)
  • Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Raveendran Sindhu, Preeti Elizabeth Varghese, Soolankandath Variem Sandhya, Parameswaran Binod, Sankar Vani, Ashok Pandey and Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran. Bioethanol production from Bamboo (Dendrocalamus) process waste. Biomass and Bioenergy (2013) 59, 142 – 150. (IF 3.551).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Bioethanol production from dilute acid pretreated Indian bamboo variety (Dendrocalamus) by separate hydrolysis and fermentation. Industrial Crops and Products (2014), 52, 169 – 176. (IF 4.244).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Physico-chemical characterization of alkali pretreated sugarcane tops and optimization of enzymatic saccharification using response surface methodology. Renewable Energy (2014), 62, 362-368. (IF 5.439).
  • Leya Thomas, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Identification and characterization of a highly alkaline and thermotolerant novel xylanase from Streptomyces sp Biologia (2013), 681022- 1027. (IF 1.424).
  • Avanthi Althuri, Jincy Mathew, Raveendran Sindhu, Rintu Banerjee, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Microbial synthesis of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate and its application as targeted drug delivery vehicle. Bioresource Technology (2013), 145, 290 – 296. (IF 7.539).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Nagapoosan Silviya, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Pentose rich hydrolysate from acid pretreated rice straw as a carbon source for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2013), 78, 67-72. (IF 3.226)
  • Nisha V Ramdas, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Development of a novel solid state fermentation strategy for the production of poly -3-hydroxybutyrate using polyurethane foams by Bacillus sphaericus NII 0838. Annals of Microbiology (2013), 63, 1265 – 1274 (IF 1.407).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Sankar Vani, Rajeev K Sukumaran, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. A novel surfactant –assisted ultrasound pretreatment of sugarcane tops for improved enzymatic release of sugars. Bioresource Technology (2013), 135, 67-72. (IF 7.539).
  • Sankar Vani, Parameswaran Binod, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Raveendran Sindhu, Soolamkandath Variem Sandhya, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Energy requirement for alkali assisted microwave and high pressure reactor pretreatments of cotton plant residue and its hydrolysis for fermentable sugar production for biofuel application. Bioresource Technology (2012), 112, 300 – 307 (Cover page article(IF 7.539).
  • Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Soolankandath Variem Sandhya, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Sankar Vani, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. An evaluation of chemical pretreatment methods for improving enzymatic saccharification of chili post harvest residue. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2012), 167, 1489-1500. (IF 2.277).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Parameswaran Binod, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Soolankandath Variem Sandhya, Sankar Vani, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey: Surfactant assisted acid pretreatment of sugarcane tops for bioethanol production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2012), 167, 1513 -1526 (IF 2.277)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Parameswaran Binod, Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey: Dilute acid pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of sugarcane tops for bioethanol production: Bioresource Technology,102 (2011), 10915 – 10921 (IF 7.539).
  • Parameswaran Binod, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Mohan Archana, Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Raveendran Sindhu, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey: High temperature pretreatment and hydrolysis of cotton stalk for producing sugars for bioethanol production; Fuel, 92 (2012), 340 – 345 (IF 4.908).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey: Organosolvent pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw for the production of bioethanol; World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38 (2012), 473 – 483. DOI 10.1007/s11274-011-0838-8 (IF 1.532).
  • Parameswaran Binod, Karri Satyanagalakshmi, Raveendran Sindhu, Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey: Short duration microwave assisted pretreatment enhances the enzymatic saccharification and fermentable sugar yield from sugarcane bagasse; Renewable Energy, 37 (2012), 109 – 116 (IF 5.439).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Balakrishnan Ammu, Parameswaran Binod, Sreelatha K Deepthi, K B Ramachandran, Carlos Ricardo Soccol and Ashok Pandey : Production and characterization of poly-3- hydroxybutyrate from crude glycerol by Bacillus sphaericus NII 0838 and improving its thermal properties by blending with other polymers; Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 54 (2011), 783 – 794 (IF 0.676)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Karri Satyanagalakshmi, Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Kuttavan Valappil Sajna, Noble Kurien, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey : Formic acid as a potential pretreatment agent for conversion of sugarcane bagasse to ethanol; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 162 (2010), 2313 – 2323 (IF 2.277).
  • Rajeev K Sukumaran, Vikram Joshua Surender, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Kuttavan Valappil Sajna, Kuni Parambil Rajasree and Ashok Pandey: Lignocellulosic ethanol in India: Prospects, Challenges and the Feedstock Dilemma; Bioresource Technology , 101 (2010), 4826 – 4833 (IF 7.539).
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Reeta Rani Singhania, Surender Vikram, Lalitha Devi, Satya Nagalakshmi, Noble Kurien, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey: Bioethanol production from rice straw: An overview ; Bioresource Technology 101 (2010), 4767 – 4774 (IF 7.539).
  • Rajeev K Sukumaran, KP Rajasree, Reeta Rani Singhania, Abraham Mathew, Lalitha Devi G,  K. U Janu, K Satayanagalakshmi, K. V Sajna, Noble Kurian, Vikram J Surender, Binod Parmeswaran, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Technological challenges in the production and application of cellulases for lignocellulosic bioethanol production, In: Proc International Symposium on Bioenergy, Vol 2, S Chakraborty (ed), Published by Cygnus, Kolkata, pp 56-62 (2010) ISBN: 978-81-907741-5-4
  • R.Sindhu, Suprabha. G. Nair and Shankar Shashidhar: Optimization of process parameters for the production of alkaline protease from Penicillium godlewskii SBSS 25 and its application in detergent industry; African Journal of Microbiological Research, Vol 3(9), 515-522, September 2009 (IF 0.539).
  •  R.Sindhu, Suprabha. G. Nair and Shankar Shashidhar: Optimization of process parameters for the production of alpha amylase from Penicillium janthinellum (NCIM 4960) under solid state fermentation; African Journal of Microbiological Research, Vol 3(9), 498-503, September 2009 (IF 0.539).
  • G. Nair, Sindhu. R and Shankar Shashidhar: Fungal Xylanase Production under Solid State and Submerged Fermentation Conditions; African Journal of Microbiological Research, Vol 2, 082-086, April 2008 (IF 0.539).
  • G. Nair, R. Sindhu and Shankar Shashidhar: Purification and biochemical characterization of two xylanases from Aspergillus sydowii SBS 45; Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology; (2008) 149, pp: 229-243 (IF 2.277).

National Journals

  • Amith Abraham, Shaji Philip, Joby Joseph, Pramod S, Kuruvilla C Jacob, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey, Byoung-In Sang, Kochupurackal Jayachandran. Growth promoting activities of antagonistic bacterial endophytes from Hevea brasiliensisIndian Journal of Experimental Biology (In Press) (IF 0.818).
  • Chandrasekharan Nair Salini, Nair M Lakshmi, Mohan Binoop, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey and Parameswaran Binod. Statistical and media engineering approaches to enhance the butanol production from isolated microbial strains. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (2020) 9, 72 – 76.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Athulya Manju, Pooja Mohan, Rajendran Omana Rajesh, Ranjna Sirohi, Aravind Madhavan and Parameswaran Binod. Bioconversion of waste cooking oil for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate using Bacillus cereus Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (2020) 58, 557 – 562 (IF 0.934). (Corresponding author)
  • Amith Abraham, Sulfiya K Moideen, Anil K Mathew, Athira Raj S R, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey, Buong-In-Sang and Rajeev K Sukumaran. Fumaric acid production from sugarcane trash hydrolyzate using Rhizopus oryzae Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (2020) 58, 548 – 556 (IF 0.934).
  • Amith Abraham, Shaji Philip, Sunilkumar P Narayanan, Kuruvilla C Jacob, Raveendran Sindhu, Ashok Pandey, Byong-In Sang, Kochupurackkal Jayachandran. Induction of systemic acquired resistance in Hevea brasiliensis by an endophytic bacterium antagonistic to Phytophthora maediiIndian Journal of Experimental Biology (2019) 57, 796-805 (IF 1.475).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Athira Antony, Parameswaran Binod, Ashok Pandey, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham and Edgard Gnansounou. Improved sugar release from chili post-harvest residues by dilute acid assisted lime pretreatment. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (2018) 6, 46 – 49. (Corresponding author)
  • Sunita J Varjani, Vijay Kumar Srivastava, Raveendran Sindhu, Indu Shekar Thakur and Edgard Gnansounou. A review on culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches used for microbial community fractions in petroleum oil reservoirs. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (2018) 56, 444 – 450 (IF 1.475).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Edgard Gnansounou, Thunoli Payyanvalappil Prabisha, Leya Thomas, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Ashok Pandey and Vincenza Faraco. Enzymatic hydrolysis of microwave assisted acid pretreated chili post-harvest residue for the production of value added products. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (2018) 56, 479 – 483 (IF 1.475). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Kamal Jerina, Parameswaran Binod, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Edgard Gnansounou and Ashok Pandey. A novel surfactant assisted transition metal pretreatment of chili post –harvest residue for the production of bioethanol by separate hydrolysis and fermentation. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (2017) 3, 26 – 29. (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Edgard Gnansounou, Thunoli Payyanvalappil Prabisha and Ashok Pandey. A novel microwave assisted surfactant pretreatment of chili post harvest residue for the production of bioethanol and biopolymer. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (2016) 2, 30-35. (Corresponding author)
  • Leya Thomas, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Production of a cellulase free alkaline xylanase from Bacillus pumilus MTCC 5015 by submerged fermentation and its application in bio-bleaching. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (2015), 53, 356-363. (IF 1.475).
  • Thunoli Payyanvalappil Prabisha, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Syed Sajitha and Ashok Pandey, Alkali pretreated sugarcane tops hydrolysate for the production of poly -3- hydroxybutyrate by a dairy effluent isolate ComomonasIndian Journal of Biotechnology (2014), 13, 306-313. (IF 0.368). (Corresponding author)
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Nair Gopalan Suprabha, Shankar Shashidhar: Media engineering for the production of cellulase from Penicillium species (SBSS 30) under solid state fermentation. Biotechnology Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (2011), 1 (3), 343 – 349.
  • Sreelatha K Deepthi, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey: Media engineering for the production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate production by Bacillus firmus NII 0830; Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 70 (2011), 968 – 975 (IF 0.587).                                             
  • Kanakambaran Usha Janu, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey: Studies on physicochemical changes during alkali pretreatment and optimization of hydrolysis conditions to improve sugar yield from bagasse; Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 70 (2011), 952 – 958 (IF 0.587).

International Conferences

  • Raveendran Sindhu. Waste valorization for the production of biopolymers and other value added product: Challenges and initiatives. International Conference on Biotechnological Advances Towards Sustainable Developments (BIOSPECTRUM 2022), 27-29 June 2022, MACFAST, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu. Technological advancements, challenges and initiatives on waste valorization for the production of biopolymers and other value added products. In International Virtual Conference on Evolving Paradigms in Biotechnology: Combating Contemporary Challenges, April 1-2, 2022, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, India (PLENARY LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Chili post-harvest residue biorefinery. The 7th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2021) & (ABB 2021) The 4th International Conference on Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, August 9-11, 2021, Bohai University, China p 92 (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Technological advancements and innovations for pretreatment strategies of chili-post harvest residue biorefinery. International Conference on Bioengineering Solutions for Healthcare, Food, Energy and Environment (BSHFEE 2021), April 9 -10, 2021, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, India p 105 (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Technological advancements, innovations and challenges in biopolymer production and initiatives of CSIR-NIIST. International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Health (BSAEH 2021), April 4-8, 2021, Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Pretreatment strategies for chili post harvest residue biorefinery. 5th International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST 2021), January 29-30, 2021, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Bioconversion of food and kitchen waste to value added products: Initiatives of CSIR-NIIST. FOODIEAsia- 2nd Food Innovation and Engineering Conference, November 23-24, 2020 Korea (KEYNOTE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu. Technological advancements, innovations and challenges in biopolymer production. In International Conference on Prospects of Bioscience in Industry, December 11-12, 2019, St. Josephs College, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, Kerala, India (PLENARY LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Athulya Manju, Rajendran Omana Rajesh, Aravind Madhavan, Arun K.B, Pooja Mohan, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Anju Mohandas, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Bioconversion of food and kitchen waste to biofuels, chemicals, enzymes and biopolymer. In International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioplastics, December 9 -10, 2019, Alagappa university, Karaikudi, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India (PLENARY LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. An efficient bioprocess development for biopolymer production. In International Conference on Advances in Food and Industrial Biotechnology BIOSPECTRUM 2019, November 24-26, 2019, MACFAST, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Paramesawaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Technological advancements and challenges in biopolymer production. In a One day seminar at Sree Buddha College of Engineering, October 28, 2019, Pattoor, Kerala, India (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Pooja Mohan, Athulya Manju, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran BInod and Ashok Pandey. Bioconversion of waste cooking oil to poly-3-hydroxybutyrate by a microbial consortium. In 8th International Conference of International Bioprocessing Association (an International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses) IBA-IFIBIOP 2019, May 1-4, 2019, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Athulya Manju, Sulfath Hakkim Hazeena, Rajendran Omana Rajesh, Aravind Madhavan, Pooja Mohan, Anju Mohandas, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Bioconversion of food and kitchen waste to biofuels, chemicals, enzymes and biopolymer. In International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Treatment and Management SWTM 2019, May 6 -9, 2019, Yangling, China (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Narisetty Vivek, Hazeena SH, Mukesh K Awasthi, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Technological challenges, advancements and innovations in lignocellulosic biorefinery for fuels and chemicals. In Second International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts and Environmental Sustainability, September 16 – 19, 2018, Melia Sitges, Spain. (The BIORESTEC 2018 BEST POSTER AWARD).
  • Raveendran Sindhu. Technological advancements and innovations in lignocellulosic based biorefinery for fuels and chemicals. In Indo-Mexican seminar on Emerging Trends in Bio-Resource Utilization and Enzyme Technology, April 13, 2018, JNTBGRI, Kerala, India p 5 (KEYNOTE).
  • Amith Abraham, Shaji Philip, Joby Joseph, Pramod S, Raveendran Sindhu and Jayachandran K. Growth promoting antagonistic bacterial endophyte from Hevea brasiliensis. In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ETBWC-2017), October 8-10, 2017, NEERI, Nagpur, India.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Amith Abraham, Rajeev K Sukumaran, Edgard Gnansounou and Ashok Pandey. Pretreatment strategies for chili post – harvest residue biorefinery. In Seventh International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop 2017), May 21-24, Wuxi, China (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Sulfiya K Moideen, Amith Abraham, Anil K Mathew, Raveendran Sindhu and Rajeev K Sukumaran. Fumaric acid production using biomass hydrolyzate by a novel Rhizopus oryzae In International Conference on Current Trends in Biotechnology, December 8 – 10, 2016, Vellore, India, p166.
  • Anil K Mathew, Meera Christopher, Emrin George, Amith Abraham, Raveendran Sindhu and Rajeev K Sukumaran. Valorization of Ananas comosus (pineapple) waste generated during cultivation and industrial processing. In International Conference on Current Trends in Biotechnology, December 8 – 10, 2016, Vellore, India, p 233.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. A novel sono-assisted acid pretreatment of chili post harvest residue for bioethanol production. International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology and XII Convention of The Biotech Research Society India, November 22-25, 2015, Trivandrum, India, p 382 (ELSEVIER BEST POSTER AWARD).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran, Ashok Pandey. A novel ultrasound assisted hydrothermal pretreatment of chili post harvest residue for bioethanol production. International conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology and XI Convention of The Biotech Research Society India, November 6-9, 2014, Delhi, India, p 112.
  • Leya Thomas, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Media engineering for the production of an alkaline xylanase from Bacillus pumilus MTCC 5015 by submerged fermentation and its application in bio-bleaching. International conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology and XI Convention of The Biotech Research Society India, November 6-9, 2014, Delhi, India, p IL6.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Pretreatment strategies for sugarcane top biorefinery. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Lille, France, September 7-10, 2014 (KEY NOTE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Conventional vs alternative pretreatment strategies for bioethanol production from sugarcane tops. International conference on Advances in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics ICABB 2013 and X convention of The Biotech Research Society India, November 25 – 27, 2013, Pune, India, p C237.
  • P Binod, S Vani, R Sindhu, M Kuttiraja, RK Sukumaran and A Pandey, Non-conventional solid wastes as potential feed stocks for the production of bioethanol. International conference on solid waste 2013-Innovation technology and management, 5-9 May 2013, Hong Kong, China, p 30.
  • Parameswaran Binod, Avanti Alturi, Raveendran Sindhu, Rintu Banerjee and Ashok Pandey. Fabrication of polyhydroxybutyrate nanoparticles and its application as drug delivery systems. Nano India 2013, February 20 – 21, 2013, Trivandrum, India, p 185.
  • M Kuttiraja, VE Preeti, R Sindhu, P Binod, A Pandey and RK Sukumaran, Process development for bioethanol from rice straw. International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and IX convention of the Biotech Research Society, ICIB 2012, India, November 21-23, Patiala, India, p 122.
  • R Sindhu, M Kuttiraja, VE Preeti, S Vani, P Binod, RK Sukumaran and A Pandey, Alternative pretreatment strategies for bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass. International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and IX convention of the Biotech Research Society, ICIB 2012,  India, November 21-23, Patiala, India, p 69.
  • P Binod, S Vani, R Sindhu, M Kuttiraja, RK Sukumaran and A Pandey, Waste to wealth: Bioenergy production from crop residues. The 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses, IFIB 2012, October 7 -11, Taipei, p239.
  • Binod Parameswaran, Sindhu Raveendran, Jincy Mathew, Avanthi Althuri and Ashok Pandey. Microbial synthesis of poly -3-hydroxybutyrate and its application as targeted drug delivery vehicle. The 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses, IFIB 2012, October 7 -11, Taipei, p72.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Nagapoosan Silviya, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Utilization of pentose-rich hydrolyzate from acid pretreated rice straw as sole carbon source for the production of poly -3-hydroxybutyrate. The 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses, IFIB 2012, October 7 -11, Taipei, p93.
  • Mathew Gincy, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey. Kinetic model for poly-3-hydroxybutyrate production by Bacillus firmus in batch and fed batch culture. In International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT 2011), November 21 – 24, 2011, Trivandrum, India, pp108.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Parameswaran Binod, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Soolankandath Variem Sandhya, Sankar Vani, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Hybrid pretreatment of sugarcane tops for bioethanol production. In International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT 2011), November 21 – 24, 2011, Trivandrum, India, pp 169.
  • Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Raveendran Sindhu, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti , Soolamkandath Variem Sandhya, Parameswaran Binod, Sankar Vani, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Development of an operational strategy for fermentable sugar production from bamboo (Dendrocalamus) for bioethanol production. In International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT 2011), November 21 – 24, 2011, Trivandrum, India, pp 162.
  • Sankar Vani, Parameswaran Binod, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Raveendran Sindhu, Soolamkandath Variem Sandhya, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Comparison of energy requirement for microwave – alkali assisted and high pressure reactor pretreatment and hydrolysis of cotton stalk for fermentable sugar production. In International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT 2011), November 21 – 24, 2011, Trivandrum, India, pp 172.
  • Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Soolamkandath Variem Sandhya, Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Sankar Vani, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. An evaluation of chemical pretreatment methods for improving enzymatic saccharification of chili post harvest residue. In International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT 2011), November 21 – 24, 2011, Trivandrum, India, pp 165.
  • Soolamkandath Variem Sandhya, Kumar Kiran , Mathiyazhakan Kuttiraja, Parameswaran Binod, Varghese Elizabeth Preeti, Raveendran Sindhu, Sankar Vani, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Evaluation of polymeric adsorbents for efficient detoxification of black liquor generated during acid pretreatment of biomass. In International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT 2011), November 21 – 24, 2011, Trivandrum, India, pp 98.
  • Sreelatha K Deepthi, Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu & Ashok Pandey. Utilization of biodiesel industry generated glycerol for the production of polyhydroxybutyrate. In International conference on Genomic Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, November 12 -14, 2010, Madurai, India (BEST POSTER AWARD) pp 169.
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Mathiazhakan Kuttiraja, Rajeev K Sukumaran & Ashok Pandey. Studies on bioconversion of sugarcane tops to bioethanol. In International conference on Genomic Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, November 12 -14, 2010, Madurai, India, pp 92.
  • Janu K U, Umesh K V, Sajna K V, Binod P, Sindhu R, Sukumaran R K & Pandey A. Studies on Physicochemical changes during alkali pretreatment and optimization of enzymatic conditions to improve sugar yield from bagasse. In International conference on Genomic Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, November 12 -14, 2010, pp 77.
  • Deepthy A, Sindhu R, Sukumaran RK & Pandey A. Esterase from effluent soil DNA through metagenomics. In International conference on Genomic Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, November 12 -14, 2010, pp189.
  • Lalitha Devi G, Reeta Rani Singhania, KP Rajasree, KU Janu, K Satyanagalakshmi, Noble Kurien, Abraham Mathew, Kiran Kumar, M Archana, M Kuttiraja, Binod Parameswaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Rajeev K Sukumaran& Ashok Pandey. Biofuels for a cleaner environment – The case of bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass into ethanol: Issues and Perspectives. Conference on the challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2010, 26 September – 1 October 2010, The Sebel Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
  • Rajeev K Sukumaran, KP Rajasree, Reeta Rani Singhania, Abraham Mathew, Lalitha Devi G,  KU Janu, K Satayanagalakshmi, KV Sajna, Noble Kurian, Vikram J Surender, Binod Parameswaran, Raveendran Sindhu & Ashok Pandey Technological challenges in the production and application of cellulases for lignocellulosic bioethanol production, International Symposium on Bioenergy, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, January 5-7, pp 70-71 (2010).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Karri Satyanagalakshmi, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Formic acid pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for bioethanol production. In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, December 4 – 6, 2009, Varanasi, India (BEST POSTER AWARD).
  • Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Rajeev Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Microwave pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for bioethanol production. In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, December 4 – 6, 2009, Varanasi, India.
  • Karri Satyanagalakshmi, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Pretreatment of water hyacinth for bioethanol production. In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, December 4 – 6, 2009, Varanasi, India.
  • Muhamed Rubeena, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, and Ashok Pandey .Development of a bioprocess for the production of Polyhydroxybutyrate from bio-diesel industry generated glycerol. In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, December 4 – 6, 2009, Varanasi, India.
  • Vikram J Surender, Binod Parameswaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Reeta Rani Singhania, Lalitha Devi G, K U Janu, K Satyanagalakshmi, K V Sajna, Noble Kurian, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. The centre for Biofuels: R & D directions for second generation biofuels – Bioethanol from lignocellulosic feedstocks. In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, December 4 – 6, 2009, Varanasi, India.
  • P Binod, R Sindhu, V Surender, Reeta Rani Singhania, KP Rajasree, Lalitha Devi G, K Satyanagalakshmi, KU Janu, KV Sajna, N Kurien, RK Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass: Challenges and opportunities, AICTE & IIT- Kharagpur national symposium on bioenergy during Winter School on ‘Waste Minimization and Bio-energy Recovery’, Kharagpur, November 22-26 (2009).
  • Binod Parameswaran, Sindhu R, Vikram Surender, Reeta Rani Singhania, Rajasree K P, Lalitha Devi G, Satyanagalakshmi K, Janu K U, Sajna K V, Noble Kurien, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass: challenges and opportunities. In National Symposium on Bioenergy, IIT Kharagpur, 23rd November, 2009.
  • Lalitha Devi G, Satyanagalakshmi K, Janu KU, Sajna KV, Binod Parmenswaran, Sindhu R, Vikram Surender, Reeta Rani Singhania, Rajasree KP, Noble Kurien, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey, Bioenergy from agro wastes, International conference on Recent Advances in Environmental Biotechnology, Birla College, Mumbai, November 14-15 (2009).
  • Reeta Rani Singhania, Binod Parameswaran, Raveendran Sindhu, Vikram J Surender, Lalitha Devi G, K U Janu, K Satyanagalakshmi, K V Sajna, Noble Kurien, Rajeev K Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Opportunities and challenges in the production of lignocellulosic bioethanol. In Bioprocess technologies – emerging opportunities, October 9, 2009.
  • Reeta Rani Singhania, Binod Parameswaran, Sindhu, Rajeev Kumar Sukumaran and Ashok Pandey. Current status of research and implementation of bioenergy in India. In National seminar on biological and alternative energies – present and future, Vishakapattanam, August 30 – 31, 2009.
  • R.Sindhu, S. Soumya, Diana Yesudas, Leny Jose, Divya Lakshmanan, Sathish Mundayoor and R. Ajay Kumar. Construction of a soil metagenomic library and identification of clones carrying amylase gene. In International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT 2007), 26 – 29, November 2007.
  • R.Sindhu, P.V. Suresh and M. Chandrasekharan. Screening for chitinolytic bacteria from marine and estuarine environments of Kerala. In MICON 94 international and 35th annual conference of Microbiologists of India. 1994.

National Conferences

  • Raveendran Sindhu. Challenges of biopolymer work and initiatives of CSIR-NIIST. March 5, 2020. National Science day Celebrations at Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India (INVITED LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu. Food waste based biorefineries for biopolymer: technological advancements, challenges and initiatives of CSIR-NIIST. February 26 – 28, 2020, National Science day celebrations at Sree Narayana College, Punalur, Kerala, India (PLENARY LECTURE).
  • Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod and Ashok Pandey. Challenges in biopolymer production. In Fourth National Conference on Challenges in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Environment (CBSE 2019), February 15 – 16, 2019, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India p1 (KEYNOTE).
  • KP Rajasree, Lalitha Devi G,  KU Janu, K Satayanagalakshmi, KV Sajna, Noble Kurian, Abraham Mathew, Reeta Rani Singhania, Parmeswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu, Vikram J Surender, Rajeev K Sukumaran & Ashok Pandey. Assessment of biological resources for sustainable use: The case of lignocellulosic agro-industrial residues as feedstock for bioconversion to bioethanol, National Conference on Bioprospecting: Access for Sustainable Development, National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, February 19-20 (2010).
  • Binod Parmeswaran, K Satayanagalakshmi, Lalitha Devi G,  Reeta Rani Singhania, KP Rajasree, Abraham Mathew, KU Janu, KV Sajna, Noble Kurian, Raveendran Sindhu, Rajeev K Sukumaran & Ashok Pandey Bioprocessing of agro-industrial feedstocks for sustainable development: Production of bioethanol using Indian feedstocks, National Symposium on Recent Advances in Biotechnology, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli, January 23-24 (2010).
  • Bioethanol from Lignocellulosic Biomass. Parameswaran Binod, Sindhu R, Sukumaran R K, Janu K, Sajna K, Satayanagalakshmi K, Kurian N & Pandey A. In: New Horizons in Biotechnology (In Hindi), NIIST, Trivandrum, February 23-24, 2010.
  • P.V. Suresh, R. Sindhu and M. Chandrasekharan. Optimization of process parameters for chitinase production from Pseudomonas pseudomallei. In National Symposium on Relevance of Biotechnology in Industry, 1995.
Editor of books
  • “BBB-Biodegradable Polymers and Composites – Process Engineering to Commercialization”. Editors – Parameswaran Binod, Raveendran Sindhu and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier (2021) ISBN: 978-0-12-821888-4
  • “Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Resource Recovery from Wastes” – Elsevier Ashok Pandey, Sunita Varjani, Edgard Gnansounou, Samir Kumar Khanal and Raveendran Sindhu (2020) ISBN 978-0-444-64321-6
  • “Green Bio-processes: Industrial Enzymes for Food Applications”- Springer Nature – Binod Parameswaran, Sunita Varjani and Raveendran Sindhu. (Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, 2019) ISBN 978-981-13-3262-3.